Interests: Graphic designer, programming, web design, scriptwriter... Test and refine the games I've changed! :) Occupation: Web design, computer technician, mooding (improving old games like BoD), Writing my books...

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 176)
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Sí, hay errores en el código Python, que impiden guardar y cargar la partida.
En el archivo Leeme.txt puede encontrar información acerca de errores conocidos, posibles soluciones, características, etc. Le recomiendo usar el modo "sin cargas" y el truco "elegir mapa y héroe"; que están ubicados en el menú "Extras". Pero con ese truco no se puede viajar entre los mapas.
Saludos y gracias por su comentario.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Si no se cargan los siguientes mapas, tras terminar algunos, verifica si tienes activado el truco "Seleccionar héroe y mapa"; porque no es compatible ese truco con el modo historia. Ya lo avisé en los textos explicativos y en el archivo "Leeme".
Los enemigos finales, Meskalamdug, Dal Gurak, Asherat, drenaran la vida del héroe si se usan los ataques mágicos paralizantes, tras un mínimo de vida. No pueden ser derrotados con esos ataques mágicos paralizantes de hielo; y además, el juego podría bloquearse por muchas auras, si usas una Corona para protegerte del daño elemental devuelto con drenaje... Sí, es posible hacer "trampas" y usar una Corona y una Poción de poder, para no tener que tocar al enemigo físicamente. Pero, a esos tres jefes finales, lo que les hace efecto, es el combo "Halfmoontrail" con la espada de luz y una poción de poder. Son muy resistentes a otros elementos, o los absorben y podrían curarse.

Y respondiendo a "si estoy dispuesto a terminar el Mod Hiperboreo, cueste lo que cueste": SÍ, POR SUPUESTO. Voy por la versión 1.9, con más de 191 características complejas en total; que añaden mecánicas similares a un ARPG. (Action rol player game).
Salud y gracias por su interés.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Eso podría ser porque algún error de código interrumpe la carg del mapa, o no está correctamente instalado el mod.
Necesito que especifiques qué mapa es en concreto, qué archivos en concreto no cargan; esa información está disponible sólo si actuvaste la "consola python debug".
Pero, tal cómo está esa versión del H mod, 1.51; pues los archivos sí están correctos y los mapas sí deberían cargar.

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MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Gracias a usted por los ánimos, amabilidad y ayuda. :)

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MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad Hiperboreo V1.5.1

Sorry, I can't write in Russian language, but I can use a translator.
There were many mistakes in the Py code, that prevents to "save-load" the game... And about the weapons, which one is not working well? Could you say some specific info?
Sorry, the mod files are related with the Spanish version of the game, and it could have some errors with the files of the English version and the Russian version. I only did a translation to English, from the Spanish version files.
By the way, if you know about a Russian YouTuber called "Nikita BoD Gosu", he and some modders have corrected these problems in the Hyperborean mod V1.51; so, he have his own corrected version related with russian language. I hope he could share it with you, from his Discord channel.

Greetings and sorry for the trouble.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mighty Amazon Mod V2.0

To "ViWalls":
For the "fixed 3D models", you only have to copy and replace the files with *.BOD format; each file have the same name as each related weapon.
So it wasn't needed to came here and use "indirectly soft mad language", to say something obvious; and then comparing different mods of different modders...

I am talking serious and polite; the people can be ethically serious and polite, so any mod "needs a serious feature". The mods only can be fixed and upgraded, since to make a good mod really "needs a lot of hard effort"; but nothing can't be "totally perfect". You understand the difference between the fake fantasy and real things?
I answer here because I also have readed another comments you have done to another modders; and I have seen your connections with a scammer lier...

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Características del Mod Hiperboreo

Hay modificaciones acerca de las flechas, cantidad y daños, en varios archivos:
Puede que se me olvide algún archivo.
Para encontrar y editar el código que yo modifiqué, le recomiendo usar un programa como "NotePad++", o "UltraEdit"; y buscar palabras clave como "flecha" o "MBEASTKING"... Normalmente uso comentarios #, para anotar la información necesaria. Desde el teléfono móvil, no puedo detallar la ubicación de las líneas de código.

Saludos. Disculpe, no vi su comentario antes.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

This Version 1.51 of the Hyperborean mod, can not be used with the new Steam/GOG game. The original code have new changes and almost all old mods have lost their compatibility. There are new versions of BoDLoader with some mods, adapted to the new Steam/GOG game.

Yes, well, we will can do it in the future. I have in mind to adapt the next version 2.0 of H mod, to the new Steam/GOG game. I am working already in the V1.9 of H mod.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Saludos. :)
Ahora, voy por la versión 1.8, comenzando la versión 2.0 (algunas ideas, por ejemplo: compatibilidad con la versión 2021 de Steam y de GOG, traducción al inglés integrada en menú de opciones, "modo historia cooperativa", más de 40 logros con más de 12 recompensas complejas, posible desarrollo complejo del héroe según "Dominios pasivos", añadir nuevo equipo de élite con más de 200 armas/escudos/arcos, mercaderes para comprar y vender, diálogos complejos con historia corregida, nuevo final alternativo, nuevo sistema de saqueo y tesoros, arenas con desafíos en el modo historia, Deidades y enemigos de elite, muchas más opciones de modos, etc, etc...)

De momento ya son más de 8 GB y no puedo compartirlo porque aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer...
De todas formas, cuando tenga preparado los cuatro primeros mapas, compartiré una "versión beta de testeo"; SÓLO EN PRIVADO Y A GENTE SELECTA QUE YA CONOZCO.
En fin, cuando me sea posible, le aviso por mensaje privado.
Hasta la próxima. ;)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Good news:
I have ready the software/hardware again; so the modding work of "Hyperborean mod" can continue again to make next versions, with more and better improvements... :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Sorry, this problem with save-load game, was due many mistakes in the complex code of several files. I can't make a tutorial about how to correct these, but you can use "python console" with "debug mode", to see some clues about errors...
Don't worry, in the next versions, this problem is corrected.
I recommend to use the "No load mode" and the "Select map and hero cheat".
Greetings and sorry for the inconvenience.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad Hiperboreo V1.5.1

Of course. The next version as V1.8, will be improved and corrected.
Please use "No load mode" and the cheat "Select hero and map"; both options are inside the "Extras" menu.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad Hiperboreo V1.5.1

El mod Hiperbóreo V1.51, año 2015, sólo es compatible con la versión original antigua del juego, año 2001.
En el archivo "Leeme.txt", hay información acerca de cómo instalar el mod H; además de errores conocidos y posibles soluciones.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Sorry, but my PC was hacked and now I can not work in the H mod, nor to know a "finish day". Some day I will can to continue, do not worry...
Greetings and thanks.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ MBK_MBK

He respondido a su pregunta, en el mensaje privado.
En el archivo "léeme.txt", hay información útil acerca de cómo instalar el mod H, errores conocidos, posibles soluciones, características, etc...
Para instalar el mod H, use el juego original del año 2001, luego sólo reemplace los archivos originales con los archivos modificados.
Salud y gracias. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ MBK mmp HD 2019 part 1

Yes, it can be done. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Las versiones anteriores no están disponibles para descargar, porque no están totalmente terminadas ni corregidas. En la página web del "mod H", está la información acerca del estado de desarrollo de cada versión.
Cuando termine el trabajo, pues compartiré gratis la versión más actual que esté completa y corregida.
Disculpe, pero no sé cuándo podré terminar todo el trabajo.
Saludos y gracias.

Good karma+2 votes
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad Hiperboreo V1.5.1

I will try to adapt the "Hyperborean mod" to the new official version of BoD. If the new version of BoD can run with more memory and there are corrected some memory errors, so it will be great; and the "H mod" will also work better.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Mod Dificultad hiperboreo V1_5_1

Disculpe, no vi antes su comentario.
Pues va "paso a paso". Ya voy por la Versión 1.8; y queda mucho trabajo por hacer... no sé cuándo terminaré todo lo que quiero hacer, además de corregir los posibles errores que aún hayan en el código. El listado de nuevas características del "Mod Hipebóreo" V1.8, ya tiene más de 20 páginas... Aquí hay información acerca del estado de desarrollo:
Acerca de "no poder guardar-cargar las partidas": era debido a unos errores en el código python, pero eso ya ha sido corregido. Le recomiendo usar el modo "Sin cargas" y el truco "Elegir mapa y héroe"; que están en el menú "Extras".
Saludos amigo; y gracias por su comentario. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Yes, I know that; thank you.
These mistakes in the code are corrected. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

The answer is in the comment above.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Maybe is due to the lights and shadows. In some places, where are several lights wich proyects several shadows: the game crashs. So, try to turn off the shadows, from the options menu.
Another thing, also maybe is due to an mistake in the code of the "Hyperborean Mod"; sorry. But, don't worry; I am correcting them all. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ ererewr

Se ve estupendo, letras en su lugar correcto... ¡y los comodines nuevos! :D
Saludos. :)

Good karma+2 votes
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Hyperborean mod V1_5_1

Greetings and thanks for your comment. :)
Well, I keep going, little by little, correcting code, finishing the pending work and adding many more complex features ...
Now I am learning to modify and improve 3D models, animations; I have improved the story plot again completely and I am already thinking of making my own maps with the new storylines.
Sorry, but I can't say a "day of release"; due to I don't know when I will get to finish all the work.

Here is the List of corrections and features:

And here is the website of Hyperborean Mega-mod; where I will share the info about the work progress:

Good karma+2 votes
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ BOD - Modpack & Configs for Windows 10

In this time, you have not make a "money ask"; but the crime of plagiarism is done.
Also, on January 14, you came to my "mod" to THREATEN ME THAT "IT WOULD BE MY END" TO HAVE UNMASKED A LIAR PLAGIARATOR WHO MAKES AN ABSURD "WORSHIP" OF THE GAME, AS IF HE WAS "THE GOD OF BLADE "... But he has done nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, by himself; he has no idea of python programming; he has only taken what THE TRUE MODDERS HAVE ADVISED HIM AND WHAT WE HAVE DONE. But, using the "Giga pixel" program to improve textures is something that anyone can do, as it does not require any technical knowledge.
But deep down, you are all of the same criminal ilk of sat4n1cs and c0mmun1sts, like the scammer of Chin4; you are obsessed with obtaining money and false "social success"...
And one day, you could be sued in court for your crimes.
...And what is the argument that "I'm angry and that's why I'm crazy and that's why I have to shut up"? It is you and your friends who commit crimes, plagiarize, threaten, lie, try to do business with the work of others... What you have is a lot of fear and envy; and you go with false masks, with appearances and with absurd fallacies. Envy is "wanting what someone else have and has done." You have done NOTHING real, only crimes and lies; therefore, it is impossible for me to be "envious of you", since I have no need to compare myself with anyone; since precisely, I do do many things by myself, so others could enjoy it for free.
You do not respect anyone who is a true author and artist; in fact, you only become "business friends" to jointly maintain a sham.
...When there are no real logical arguments, violence is used to censor and intimidate; that is why you only threaten using false justifications and fallacies; blaming others for your own shortcomings.
I know exactly what I am saying and I am based on the events that have occurred, on the actions of each person. It is more than evident your pernicious and devious attitude, that it does not create anything by itself and that only plagiarizes the work of others ... and also, you believe that perhaps you can threaten and lie, so that the authors do not remove your masks . Welcome to the real world: you are doing things that are crimes under the law.

Good karma+2 votes
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ BOD - Modpack & Configs for Windows 10

This is an unethical "copy-pasted" of some works of modders.
This people, takes the works of others and make "their own packs"?
So, the real authors of the original mods, can not get downloads.
Anyone can make announcements, telling others that an author has created a new "mod" or "game"; so that the author receives gratitude for his work. But not "copy-paste", or appropriate the work of others ...
I explain it: For example, I can make announcements, about the Prospero's work; but I can not take his work. I shouldn't do it.
So, I must to tell to the people: "Prospero has make real a new Mod! Go to see it and enjoy!"
But, I can not to tell: "I have united some mods in my new pack, done by me. Come and pay me with some money."
If you really want to help modders, creators: then advertise their work to other people, help them improve their programming; so that they receive the credit on their own web pages and thank you for your help.
But if you don't really want to help us, then make your own mod, from the beginning like everyone else; and then you will know all the work and effort that goes into it.
Any normal person, who has played the game, knows how to configure it and can choose which mods they like the most ... it is not a matter of imposing your tastes on others, copying-pasting the work of others and perhaps "taking the credit" for do something that is PLAGIARISM.
I hope the matter is clear. Greetings.

Good karma+3 votes
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Credits / Ending QQSI / WWTBAI

¡Está genial! :D
Saludos. :)

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ MBK_MBK

Sorry, I am not sure about how could be, seems little odd...
Well, have you tried the "english version" with your "english original game"? Make sure that you install the correct version to your original game.
The "Hyperborean mod" can not work well with another mods. The "H mod", only works in the original game; without anything else.
Make sure about the files of the "H mod"; may be some file is missing. Try to download again from this web site; and do not forget to make a "safe copy" of the files.
The instructions are in the "Readme file"; I can not say more "steps" or "tips", because you only have to do: "replace all the old original files, with the new modified files".
Also, make sure about the "Video mode" selected; because it should be the one wich works well in your PC.
And, make sure about the files in the folder "Bin", where the file "Blade.exe" is; with the ".dll" files...

Greetings, thanks and sorry for the old mistakes in the code...

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ MBK mmp HD 2019 patch 2.1

...Sorry, I have not seen your comment before.
I understand your point of view. But the original design is not "real", nor is it correct. I mean, how could a person see if his eyes are closed? Or without eyes?
It is about modifying and improving as much as possible, what is possible. Not in doing things the same as the previous versions.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the stuff, sorry for the inconvenience.

Good karma+1 vote
MBK_MBK - - 176 comments @ Características del Mod Hiperboreo

Sí, he ubicado algunas armas especiales en otros lugares... ;)
Disculpe la demora, no ví el comentario antes.
Saludos y gracias. :)

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