As a hobbyist game designer and developer, I have some interesting epiphanies every now and then. I suck at 'blogging', but I give it a shot. Game design is one of my biggest passions, and I love sharing my ideas with anyone who will listen. Will you?

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Invisible Characters

Lyphiix Blog

Invisible Characters

Have you ever came up with an awesome idea for a game character? You've sorted out it's personality, race, looks - everything! But then you run into a problem. You want to show off your new character to your friends and devs but have nothing to show except a bunch of words and maybe a few crappy drawings that do not do the character justice in any way.

I know I have had this kind of experience. Let me tell you, game designers/artists have got it pretty good I say. Sure, they may not be able to program, but if you have the art, it's a lot easier to find a programmer to implement it than if you have a program with no art and want an artist. And then, of course, is the whole problem of trying to describe your character to the artist you do manage to find, and trying to get it to match the vision you have in your head.

So, on a different note, what's your most prized character you have designed? Or, if you haven't fully designed one - what sort of character have you thought of before? Drop a comment!

Keep those ideas flowing, and don't forget to write down any good ones! Always keep a pen and paper handy.

A Game of Design

Lyphiix Blog

A Game of Design

Everyone has an imagination. Everyone has ideas that they come up with and say, "I'd love to make this into a game!" Being a rather imaginative person myself, I have many of these moments myself. One of these occurred recently as I was reading through the news for the game, Guild of Dungeoneering. (Apologies to other games that have designs that are beautifully original and I have missed)

For me, this concept is a brilliant example of original game design. While most games focus on the player being a character who advances in levels, gains weapons and just all round becomes a bad-ass, Guild of Dungeoneering has a different take on the whole RPG theme. Guild of Dungeoneering places you as the Guild Master of the Guild of Dungeoneering as opposed to being a guild member. I love this idea of taking a well developed idea/theme such as RPG's, and adding a new spin on it.

After reading the latest news about this game, it occurred to me that it would be cool to have more games to take leaf out of the book of Guild of Dungeoneering. Imagine a game where instead of playing a character who defeats monsters, what if you were a random being who breeds and trains monsters hoping to be the one who trains and breeds the biggest, baddest boss monster known to RPG's?

Well, that's all from me for my little spiel about game design. Enjoy the day, and be on watch for cool ideas!