Now for the gamer me! This is a miniblog for gaming info and whatever of the like.

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Now is my turn to kick some tail...

Novelty Blog

Not really, but to mention to the general masses, I do play some FPSes only for skill, not for the disgusting blood. I actually think blood is not needed (I have a choice in some games, and I turn it off. If there is no choice, then I "almost" hack the game to remove blood).

If you think this post is intellectually nonsensical, then you should check out The Eccentric One, an unnecessary, positive trait of myself.

An scrapped idea which deserves epic rebirth.

Novelty Blog

Before I start blabbering about this topic, let me explain to you who I am. I am a blogger who recently found the joy of writing through the website. I decided to create a separate account and blog for Desura for a couple of reasons:

  • To expose Desura to the general public as a good digital distribution tool. Take that Steam!
  • To expose myself (Loelin) out in the gamer's view (no, not like that!).
  • To have fun and create hype for other things I might do here.

Now for the topic, I remember a long time ago I created this idea of a "Sonic The Hedgehog-themed FPS". Of course, you might have thought about the game "Shadow the Hedgehog", but that is a TPS (third person shooter) game. What I am looking for was a dark, cartoonish tatical feat using actual (but fake counterpart) weapons to a person that is so underexposed to the general public that even man should be shunned to ignore her. Yes, the person is none other than Rouge the Bat. Huzzah!

This diva of a beast was awesome in so many shows and games that I don't know why nobody did a mature reboot or even a semi-storyline bio on her. Sure there are tons of Sonic the Hedgehog Games, Amy games, or even a Fang(Nack) game. But for Rouge, there is so much you can see on the internet's dense fog of information.

So I decided to introduce my idea on the biggest fan forum around the European coast; which is The Sonic Stadium Message Boards (this fansite is big). Of course, as with a lot of ideas, mine was putrid to the die hard fans of the blue blur, but I don't blame them. If you are ever a fan of something, why do you want drastic changes or gimmicks? They don't. As of now, the game's main franchise owner (SEGA, can still be Sonic Team in the Asia region) only created one good game because "the gimmick was not always required in game-play".

Here are the links to the topics below:

So what is the problem? I want this game to be made. I don't care if anyone takes the credit for it or sells the idea to SEGA. I just want to see myself looking at the game counter and finding my idea up there.