Poem--- (better read it, cunts)<br><br>Right-o lads, <br>Don't be fags,<br>This is a place for intellectually superior beings,<br>Don't be blunt you know what I mean,<br>Don't get a dictionary,<br>Go play Pictionary,<br>Don't wrangle me in your derogotory colloquailism,<br>Now buy the handbook of communism,<br>Oh shit that actually rhymed,<br>My way with words isn't so kind,<br>Holy fuck I'm like Shakespeare,<br>Now you're all trembling in fear,<br>Roses are red,<br>The cunts in Avatar are blue,<br>Stop reading this shit,<br>The fuck outta here with you.<br><br>Oh damn I wasted 10 mins typing up this shit better show me some respect cos i held off my maths homework for this shit aight.<br><br>Thank you for reading, any feedback of this dank poem is appreciated now lemme go finish my homework fags...shit I wanted to end this with that squiggly line but this keyboard doesn't have it so... :) :D


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