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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 69)
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Weapon counter

Нет, не пошло, но, всё равно, спасибо за труды и за обратную связь.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Weapon counter

Да всё сделал по фен-шую: распаковал архив и папку RUS version бросил в папку MODS игры, подключил через JSGME. В МСМ появилась опция "Сколько пушек?". Назначил и сохранил свою кнопку и нифига не происходит, сколько ни жамкай.

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Dynamic Mutants Rework (Beta)

At the first attempt, everything seemed normal, until by the end of 1 week I began to meet waves of mutants of 8-12 individuals in the swamps. This has become annoying in other locations as well. In addition, a large number of neutral mutants have bred in the locations. The last straw was that right at the gate, when moving from the Landfill to the Wild Territory, 4 cats, 6 snorks, 6 zombies and 1 pseudo giant with prey similar to a Snork were waiting for me.

In the second attempt, by launching a new game, I reduced the number of mutants in the MCM settings from 50 by default to 32 and disabled neutral mutants. As a result, I found that 10-20 foxes and sheepdogs roamed the Cordon, and on the second day 8 wolves and at least 6 pseudo-dogs lived on the Cordon. Moreover, one wolf I killed turned into the corpse of a pseudo-dog. I like hardcore, but not to the point where I have to confront high-level mutants armed with PM and a sawed-off shotgun.

On the first attempt, I also noticed that the physical bodies of the slain poltergeists had disappeared. I had to go back to Dynamic_Mutants_v1.42

Good karma0 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Re:done Cordon & Meadow OUTDATED VERSION

I think it's in the devushka.ltx file. As soon as I removed it from the mod and started saving it just before the hip disappeared, the problem was avoided. In addition, I use the HIP HD MODEL addon that modifies the same devushka.ltx logical file, but it is in the download priority earlier and is overwritten by yours (if it can help). I didn't adapt it, thinking that it would do anyway. I will continue to test and if I can understand something, I will definitely let you know.
Thank you for your work - great addons.

Did not make quick trips and did not even leave the Cordon on the second attempt.

Good karma+4 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Re:done Cordon & Meadow OUTDATED VERSION

On the third day, Hip disappears, enters a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the village of Novichok from the side of Sidorovich's bunker (the one in which the fire is burning) and disappears into thin air. Her task and the icon on the minimap and in the PDA remain active... This is the second attempt - the first was in version 1.0, now 1.1. The result is the same - the third day around 11 o'clock.

Good karma+4 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Re:done Cordon & Meadow OUTDATED VERSION

How about compatibility with Brotherhood v 0.5.1 (there should be gangs of bandits under the bridge)?

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Weird Tasks Framework


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 257
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
2 : [Lua] d:/game/anomaly-1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\igi_helper.script(107) : get_setup_cache

LUA error: d:/game/anomaly-1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\igi_helper.script:107: WTF: task gtsupply22968 : SETUP not initialised

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Patch Hunger, Thirst, Sleepiness Bars

And visually there is no difference:
Do not mislead others.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Patch Hunger, Thirst, Sleepiness Bars

The protective properties of helmets and armor are registered in the file: gamedata\configs\creatures\damages.ltx in the sections: ACTOR ARMOR SECTIONS and ACTOR HELM SECTIONS. In this addon, this file simply does not exist.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ (DTLX) Stick Grenade V2

Great job.
But is it possible to increase the grenade model by 1.2 times? She's very small now.

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ npc use first aid kits and bandages faster

Отлично! Спасибо.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ DLTX MTacWPack cropped by VarluvBjorn

Unable to download. Yesterday I was pulling 40 kilobytes per second, I froze halfway. Today writes:

"Download Error
Our filemirrors are currently overloaded, try another mirror to start downloading."

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

However, there is one problem that I have not been able to handle. NPCs make a shot out of it, and then endlessly try to reload it, turning into easy targets.
I think we should leave the option to use it only for the player until the problem is solved by someone.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

А что тут странного? Вы же как-то играли до сих пор с показателями урона сборки Redux 1.1 и они Вам странными не казались.
Другое дело, что когда Вы накатили сверху мой мод показатели урона вернулись к дефолтным, всего и делов.
Кстати говоря, я в описании к моду отметил, что он использует дефолтный файл weapon_ammo.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Мой мод не меняет урон оружия в игре вообще.
В нем использован дефолтный weapon_ammo, в него лишь в конце добавлены секции [ammo_pg_26] и [ammo_pg_26_bad]. Это сборка Redux изменяет показатели урона в соответствии с видением автора или авторов, уж не знаю.
Достаточно секции [ammo_pg_26] и [ammo_pg_26_bad] из файла weapon_ammo мода дописать в одноименный файл сборки и соответственно из папки мода данный файл удалить.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Ну, ты же разбираешься в конфигах. Посмотри - это не сложно.
Да и разница далеко не в два раза. Граната ПГ-7ВМ, которую мы видим на дефолтной модели РПГ-7 имеет пробитие 300мм при дальности 500м.
Более мощная граната 1977 года ПГ-7ВЛ «Луч» имеет пробитие 550мм при дальности 300м.
И да, дальность огня соответствует реальному образцу. Пробитие несколько меньше, чем у РПГ-7. Собственно, и википедии я тоже не забанен.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Если Вы хотите поработать над анимациями, я бы мог выложить исходники моделей и анимаций в формате .max.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Thanks for the feedback - already fixed.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

It's not done yet. A little bit later.
In the meantime, we need to check the performance of the Shaitan-pipe itself.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

You can discharge it, but you can't charge it. In a good way, it is necessary to initiate the detonation of the ammunition when trying to discharge it. But that's later.
I hope in the future to organize the charging of empty tubes on the workbench with the help of tools and ammunition RG-26 found in caches.

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Have a nice game.
I hope that the fights will sparkle with new colors if these gizmos are distributed to advanced NPCs instead of grenades or together with grenades. We will have to constantly change positions. The shooting gallery will no longer work.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

It works both ways, bro. )))
Use it with pleasure.

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ RPG26

Good karma+4 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Main Menu SoC Build with MCM 1.6.4

Всё отлично работает, ищи проблему на своей стороне.

Игра читает звуковой файл с таким названием, потому, что я его так назвал и прописал это название в соответствующем конфиге ui_mm_main_16, когда выложил здесь своё меню полтора года назад. Пропиши своё название - будет читать его. Какие проблемы?

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Main Menu SoC Build with MCM 1.6.4

Лови - теперь совместимо с MCM. Ставить строго после МСМ1.6.4.

Небольшой совет - не забывай давать кредиты, тем чьими работами ты "вдохновлялся".
И переименуй звуковой файл. Илья Пономаренко написал совсем другую музыку.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Main Menu SoC Build with MCM 1.6.4

Не унывай. Завтра посмотрю, что можно сделать, дружище, если конечно ты не против.

Good karma+1 vote
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Modular Armor Overhaul MAO v0.3

And why not simplify the task: you can combine things only in 100% condition. Repair it for unification. What do you think?

Good karma+2 votes
Legapon - - 69 comments @ Duty Expansion

Do not pay attention.
Great job. Thank you very much!

Good karma+7 votes