I'm here to play! ;)

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Just Signed Up! :D

Ghøst Blog

If I happen to just find a mod and play it once and never get back on, then it's common..
I'm deffinitely looking to play any RPG games and first person shooters, also anything SUPER scary!
The common types of RPG that I look for should *ALWAYS* have guns, but if they don't then I'm gonna get bored :( I'm really excited to see what Desura has to offer, maybe more niggas to play the typical holdout games or just make drugs! My name was influenced from the old pc gaming days, back when entertainment groups started making army shooters, because that's when you had started to develop a tactic for the next 10-15 years of gaming. My reference wouldn't be anything like the Call of Duty series; more like Tom Clancy's games or the Socom series! If you're just a random bystander looking at my profile, because you hate me and wanna know more about your enemy, feel free to deal with yourself. I'm deffinitely not signing on to deal with someone's bad day or their integrity to start shit. I'm just here to fuck niggas up! :D
Hit Me Up with a reference to a game or anything, I'd be glad to join anyone in a gang!