Lover of the horror genre and custom story developer for Amnesia.

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Continuing Development

LadyofGaming Blog


Work on my custom story is coming along! It is very slow going at the moment, but it is getting there.

I am tentatively calling this mod 'Amnesia: The Curse'. I don't know if I want to keep the name, as it seems a bit obvious, but it will do for now. So far, the intro for The Curse is turning out pretty well. I've been experimenting like crazy trying to get everything exactly right. Of course, the one thing making all this really unique is my voice actor.

I just wanted to thank Greyloc for his cooperation so far and the work he's doing for me. He is a PHENOMENAL voice actor!!

However, I still need at least one maybe two female voice actors. So, if you are reading this and are- or know someone who is- a female voice actor, please message me here on

Until next time(:


Development Underway!

LadyofGaming Blog


GOOD NEWS!! As of 19.10.13, development for my third custom story is underway! You might be thinking to yourself, Third? But you haven't posted any other mods!! Well, whoever you are, you're exactly right. While I have made two other customs, I've never posted them. Why? Because I was still a novice at coding, level design, etc. and the stories turned into 'learning how to make a good custom story'.

But only three days ago, inspiration struck me like a brick to the face and I started back into development. I have really high hopes for this one, as I am now a pro at coding, interactive story telling, etc. I also have a good basic idea for the plot as a whole, which will include possibly up to four endings... we will see about that though.

Anyway, in the future, I am going to need voice actors, beta testers and the like to complete my custom story. So if you are interested, message me on this site for details.
