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Comment History
kill4000iv - - 2 comments @ The Road to Release: Week 2

Alright man, it's all good mate don't worry about it. And yeah man, trip down memory lane is always fantastic especially when it's all the way from back in the day. My discord is Rule_Britannia#5066 so feel free to add me up whenever and we can have a chat.

Good karma+2 votes
kill4000iv - - 2 comments @ The Road to Release: Week 2

Hello mate, kill4000iv here, god knows how I stumbled accross it but I'm liking the look of this.

Red Devils was a bit of a meme group I created probably a month or two before the raid videos and it was alive for at least a good few months. We raided Panzer Lehr fairly regularly which was good stuff, but I don't really remember how many members we ended up getting, but it was pretty small compared to Panzer Lehr and groups like that as I didn't really know what I was doing. The raid that got recorded was about the high point of the group and it died soon after because I lost my account and moved onto kill4000alt. As for the bases, they never got finished unfortunately and if I remember correctly we used a different place made by someone else, but unfortunately I can't really remember as it was quite a while ago. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes and though I don't think I'll be able to remember much, my new account is kill4000alt and if you want to talk more I can give you my discord or something. Keep on at it mate I'm looking forward to being able to play this more.

Good karma+2 votes