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Comment History
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Loiter v2

the new one is amazing

Good karma+2 votes
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Forgotten's "Base"

hey, so i thought of something; can you add a unit to the mutant hovel "if it's still exist in your mod" :

The Technician, this unit cannot capture civ buildings but can capture limited type of buildings , like for example power plants and barracks
maybe add something else

without messing with general balance of the game it can help the player restore an important building like the barracks that'll help him train an engineer.

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Tesla Tower

nice one

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Cybrog Commando

the first one was mysterious this one looks more casual which feels off
otherwise the work is awesome keep up the good work;
How about a CABAL faction hehehehehe

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Exterminator Finished

nice work

Good karma+3 votes
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Forgotten's "Base"

i smell a forgotten faction hehe

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Black Hand's Commando model

how about that mad scientist DR.Petrova i think from c&c renegade
her final transformation "ascension" is an interesting concept.

-tbh i think most of renegade's concepts of units can be used for ST and BH
while vehicles concept's for the forgotten from both factions.

Good karma+2 votes
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Slave new def

wow man ,this is awesome
at first glance i thought the slave transform into the obelisk
like the tiktank in TS.

Good karma+3 votes
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ More camp edits

nice work

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Skolex

i like it

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ C&C: Reloaded v2.3.0 multilanguage UI Client

go luck bro and keep up the good work

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ C&C:R v2.3.0 - New Magnetron weapon change

i think it's effect on building should be as if the building is in state of low power (not turned off)

Good karma+3 votes
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ C&C: Reloaded v2.3.0 multilanguage UI Client

are you up for an Arabic version,
i can do all the translations.

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Mechapedes segments

nice work ,still waiting for your mode :D

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Reaper 17's Drone Ship gas

nice work

i remembered something, when you mount a riflemen squad on MARV
even with the AP ammo upgrade the sound effect of the riflemen squad shooting from inside the MARV doesn't change , which make it sounds WEAK

do you think you can fix it ?

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ C&C:R v1.7.0 - New Predator unit demo

interesting idea

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Scrin's MCVs

good idea and nice work

is it possible to expect a mutant faction

or maybe a fully independent CABAL faction

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ HammerHead lights

dude , i'm telling you it doesn't

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Slave presentation

nice job :D

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ HammerHead lights

i remembered something
can you make it possible for HHs to target air units when they have rocket squad and zone raiders inside
when i equipe MARV with a rocket squad it gains the ability to target air units
i think it could be possible with HHs too

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ HammerHead lights

this is amazing

if only they detect stealth
but that would make them OP :P

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Slave

i just think IMO that a driver of any kinda vehicule is more likely to "drive around" something above the ground in font of him rather than just hit it
but if it's a thing that is on the ground the driver would just stumble on it
like when you are driving your car and you find a pit hole on the road that have rain water in it
you'll think of how deep it is and assume that it's not that deeep since it's on the road ; and BANG! it's deeper than you thought since it was on the ground and you couldn't be sure of how much damage you'll get from it
but if you were driving and you found a tree laying on the ground you'll just drive around it because you can see ALL of it and you know exactly how to avoid it

i just want things to be as realist as possible dude HAHAHAHA

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Slave

i like the idea of the explosive barrel but i think you should make it put unstealthed mines unlike the APC that drop stealthed mines
i think it's more realistic and practical since the vehicule driver would just drive around it

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ Load Screen improvements

dude ;make a "random same faction" choice
EX : some times i like to play against random nod but i don't like to choose a subfaction i just want the AI to make a random choice between Nod MOK and BH

Good karma+1 vote
khaled5.mtl - - 27 comments @ [Release] Tiberium Crisis Mass Update C.5.5 now Available

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it's way to big , can't you upload it another way maybe torrent?

Good karma+1 vote