An addict of Dwarf Fortress. That right there describes at least 25 qualities. Unlike most people my age I use my BRAIN, which means not insulting everyone's mothers and being immature in general. "Think with your mind feel with you heart and use your brain for everything else"-Me P.S. Ignore the profile picture it's just a placeholder.

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Dwarf Fortress- The Beginning?

Kbarbarossa Blog

I love Dwarf Fortress. If you haven't heard of it, well if you haven't I feel sorry for you, but that's not the point of this is it. This "blog" if you could call it one is mostly about Dwarf Fortress because I have AcutisDwarficusaddictus a.k.a. Dwarf Fever or DF addiction. I'm definitely not the worst at it but not the best either. Dwarf Fortress has become part of me even if it is deleted *gasp* I will always remember it. Now I want to spread the joy this game a brought to me with as many people who care to hear it. This may seem to be a rant but I'll make sure to post something more informative later.
But for now I'll leave you with this---
The Download of all you need to enjoy this great Or for you . Either one gets you the latest version of Dwarf Fotress as of this writing but I recommend the first for getting into the game. You might also need the link to the other parts are at the bottom of it. This is how I personally learned to play it. Although this tutorial was made for a older version it still teaches everything you need to know if you need more information go for one of the most extensive indepth wiki I've ever seen. I might post another blog later but this is all you need. Hope you come back soon.