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Comment History
JoyfulSushi - - 4 comments @ Sword Art Online

Hey Azuna! Sorry for not participating in the development of the game. I've been very busy with college and all but now that i'm way ahead of my schoolwork, I can jump back in. I'm ready to make some artwork for Argus once more!

Good karma+2 votes
JoyfulSushi - - 4 comments @ Sword Art Online

Hey Azuna :D. I made the life gauge out of boredom. If you want to see let me know. I'm just doing stuff because I haven't been assigned anything yet :P.

Good karma+1 vote
JoyfulSushi - - 4 comments @ Argus

I can make music too.

Good karma+2 votes
JoyfulSushi - - 4 comments @ Argus

Hello. My name is gin and i'm very interested in the game you're developing and I would like to help out. My main asset is painting, drawing, etc., but I can do more like modeling, and animating. :)

Good karma+1 vote