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JJSwords - - 3 comments @ Return of the Sith- Release 2

Fantastic. I'll be looking forward to it with a massive amount of interest and enthusiasm.

Good karma+1 vote
JJSwords - - 3 comments @ Return of the Sith- Release 2

Any chance we could see this, effectively, ported to Warband? Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic mod, the ancient Sith armors are glorious looking, the fact Nightsister bows are actually working is amazing, even if the seeming lack of them in shops is annoying (and the fact Dathomir is just a fort, not an actual city, hurts my soul nearly as much as the lack of Korriban does), the old republic Jedi armor is a nice addition, but M&B 1's command system, lack of direct weapon keybinds, and seeming lack of a cheat menu really makes it difficult to enjoy the interim between hammering down an army, or while doing so, due to the aforementioned command system. I'd love to have my companions armed and armored in a proper honorguard fashion, without the caveat of watching them charge in alongside the basic infantry I'm sending ahead, rather then standing with me as the second wave.

If there's a way to run this on Warband, I may simply not know it, so correct me if I'm wrong on that front, gladly.

Oh, and just to point out, correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen a singular rebreather mask in any of the shops, making me think there isn't one, which I would suggest as an addition (Malgus is great for that design concept being introduced for Star Wars in a more mainstream fashion) and a good few of the Ancient Sith helmets seemingly don't have a neck texture, leading to, for instance, a floating gap between the armor from the preview up there and the helmet. It seems to be most prevalent on the Destroyer helmets. And while talking about them, I'd suggest a light glow effect on the Destroyer helmet with the yellow visor, just to make it look just a bit more terrifying. A red variant would be great, too.

Good karma+1 vote
JJSwords - - 3 comments @ Age of Sword & Sorcery Beta 3.1 PATCH

The only way I got this to actually run properly without removing the option to launch the module, was to install both the main mod and the patch through Vortex, going into the modules section, then copying everything, minus the "managed by vortex" thing, from the patch into the main mod's files, then it actually applied.

Second thing: Even after joining the Mages, I can't seem to interact with any of the crystals, or the bounty board. And without joining the mages, carrying any spells or a spell book, or any staves, solely being Plane Touched, I am still barred from entering the Daggers fighting pit, because they claim I'm a spell-user. I don't see any other reason then being a plane touched or having the proficiency too high because I've upgraded everything in unison, but not actively using or knowing any spells should offset that in my opinion.

Third: All Independent troops auto-assign to the archers/ranged/etc/second troop group on joining the party, which seems odd, considering by default they seem armed and armored towards being inf. and cav. besides the bowmen and such. You can obviously manually re-assign them, but I personally find that both tedious and odd.

Fourth: Enchantments seem to break if you go into a combat carrying multiple, visually. For instance, one time entering a walking area, my flame and venomous swords both used the visual appearance of the curse effect, while the frost actually used it's own. Then roughly the same thing happened again with flame in place of curse. I thought I'd mention it, and suggest that the Dark weapons should be allowed to be enchanted as well, at least with curse and flame, if not venom. And perhaps making curse a less purple and more blackish-grayish dull light then the holy equivalent. I'd also suggest a vampiric or life-steal based enchantment that acts similarly to the spell (prolonged use resulting in honor drops) with a red effect could be interesting (EDIT: Holy ****, did one of my ideas actually get made a thing? I just found a vampiric sword, with basically what I meant for visuals, and health steal, to the point I left a combat I played smart with a bit extra health then base max. It's amazing.), and Holy/curse doing more/less damage to undead and vice versa to the living, respectively only makes sense.

Fifth: We need the cheat menu options back if we manually enable it, "find an item" in particular. Arming custom troops as I want is difficult when it's a tossup of even finding the right item via a town shop, and then it's likely I'll find a weaker version then I'd prefer, which can make bothering with trying to actually build a tree more annoying then anything else. The renown and money button from the old Dev mode was good, too, but I can see how it needed to go (I had a cap of about 10000 some units after a few clicks, so if it comes back at all, I can see nerfing it drastically) EDIT: Ignore that. Found the clever way it's implemented.

Sixth: We need more main armor sets with a focus on black for their aesthetic. Most that have them already are lighter then makes sense to put them on a tier 5 infantry, and the one that isn't, I've only seen on the fiery knights via the troop tree, and never in a usable situation. Heraldric shields and armor would also be helpful for designing, and they already exist easily enough in base Warband.
Another idea would be "enchantment" based helmets to give heroes, captains, etc, to give them the effects of wearing a decent helmet, but not visibly apply one, for the sheer fantasy aspect of heroes running around helmetless and not dying to an arrow or bullet in the forehead. Another mod did that as well, I forget which, but it was possibly Pendor or Persino.

More banners, also some with a lean towards a black aesthetic, for the player to use would also be helpful in conjunction with the latter.

Seventh: Low honor Plane Touched having, or having the option to use, red eyes in place of blue would be interesting, or simply having skins with red eyes and darker hair options could be as good, regardless of honor score.

Eighth: Vampires. Just... Just vampires. There's already undead, vampires as a usable or playable thing would be amazing.

None of these, past trying to help people get the patch running, should be treated as demands or anything greater, just suggestions. It's a good mod, even if working with the custom units is taxing for the reasons above, I'm just suggesting what I think would improve on it's already existent aspects.

Good karma+1 vote