I've played a lot of different games thoughout the years and I begun playing LoL in the middle of 2009, but soon turned to more single player games, because I lived at a school with poor internet. First I played different FPS and RPG games like CoD and Dragon Age, but F.E.A.R. also cought my interest in horror games, since I've always been a horror fan. Then I got home in 2010 and continued playing LoL in high school, but still had a interest in the single player games. Soon I heard roumers about Amnesia as a terrifying game and I bought and played it in the beginning of 2011. Never have I been so impressed by a game and I really honored the minimalism and psycology used in the game, so it is easy to say that Frictional Games sparked the passion for game development within me. I doodled a bit the HPL2 engine from that point on and after a year of work and serious school, I went to Aalborg Univartisy (Copenhagen) where I study medialogy so that I may become a top notch game developer.


