Hey guys! What's up, HunterZ here! I'm a new member of ModdB and a QuakeC familiar coder. I hope to one day make a great game/mod for the PC/PSP. I am the team leader of the "Dark Collision" group BTW. Want to chat? PM or write a comment below. Peace out!

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Recently joined ModdB

HunterZ Blog

Hey guys, as might have known already, I have recently joined Moddb.
Why might you ask? ModdB is an excellent site that hosts new mods/games for free!
What is my goal? To provide the users of not only in ModdB, but everybody in the world with a
top-notch game/mod. If you see hope in our mods/games, please do apply for a position!
Right now, we need a 3D modeller, a mapper, a texture artist, and someone to create a website for us. Hope you will find this blog interesting and useful. That's all for now. Peace out!