Soy de Argentina, y busco gente para crear un mod en español al 100% (I'm from Argentina, and I'm looking for people to create a 100% Spanish mod. Voice actors, modders, graphics,whatever it is fine.

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YR Deezire 9.00 Ares Client

YR Deezire 9.00 Ares Client

Ripper Digital Demo

The old legions of initiates have been reconverted into mercenary divisions commanded by Deezire, the Regess of the Purple Jihad troops. The war against...

eva spanish

eva spanish

Ripper Digital Audio

I always thought it would be easy to create a mod in Spanish for Yuri´s Revenge. Today I see it difficult. Likewise, some EVAs I have made, and they...

Ripper Force 2

Ripper Force 2

Ripper Digital Demo 1 comment

ripper force 2 de rothmans...mod uso personal solamente

ra2ts l

ra2ts l

Ripper Digital Demo

UI video, para Yuri´s Revenge Ripper Force II, un mod personal, que empece a desarrollar en 2013. Gracias a algunos modders en sudamerica, he podido...



Ripper Digital Demo

vuelve yuri, mas malo que nunca....sus tropas conquistan el mundo, y se disparan a la luna en busca de base

Ripper Force II

Ripper Force II

Westwood Studios Demo

Yuri is dead, but his old slaves and students have experienced the greatest humiliations in times of world divided into two systems of life. Now the rematch...