Hevn Demonic the Doom mapper, making maps and mods with small group The OutDoomers. "TheOutDoomers" youtube channel is where our team work projects gets announced.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 48)
HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

There won't be nerf'd version unless you play it on Easy.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.8 [AutoExit edit]

it was credits file that needed update, they all had that same text file that was missing additional info. that's why all zips had to be reuploaded.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Little quick note; i have updated credits file, there were previously then content that needed names to be included but were yet to be confirmed. That is now fixed.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Open Menu, Go to Options > Customize controls > inventory > activate item [set your button]

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Thanks for feedback, i would like to note that we tried to get most modern and common used weapons at 1989 year, M16 is maybe little aged rifle but i thought it was still in use by Police forces, these weren't even the first options to choose from, we had in earlier versions regular Mp5 and completely different shotgun model, Desert Eagle used to be Magnum Revolver too. I'm happy hear you enjoyed my levels too.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Alright, Version 4.8 (or "AutoExit edit" as i would like to call it) is out and it is basically same as 4.7 but the small difference is the exit level script, it is now simplified and automated, do you have problem pressing that "use" button to proceed in game? No worry, now you can enjoy the game without such BS.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Gzdoom,but so far theres no clear way to play it multiplayer. Originally co-op was on the plan but i changed mind later.Not every level has co-op spawnpoints,so it remains untested leftover.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I'm working on optional version of mod, one that has automated transition in exit script for each level, for those who struggle with "press 'use'"button problem. I still want to offer solution so you can enjoy the play, it's maybe best i can do (for now). i'll try get it done soon as possible.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I heard before, but why is it just some players who have this issue while others can move on just normally? I don't know what else to say but to set your keyboard button to open doors and use the same button when you're told to press "use", don't play it on some portable devices or with addons. You run it on Pc, gzdoom, Doom2 IWAD. Unless only help is to release new version that excludes stats script?

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

8 levels technically if not counting ending/epilogue map

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Works all the time on me, are you using addons?

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

You get slower beast if you play in Easy skill, with even pain chance.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

If it works on you then maybe it can help some others, Or you could use latest Gzdoom version and try play it on Pc without addons or mods included, That should work too.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ October Terror Dive 2

I wasn't sure how to designed it, there are only rare cases where you may have to jump. For most of time you can just run over.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I'll give this much of Hint; Walk backwards in long corridor and keep shooting the bastard, until you get bigger gun to end crimson nightmare sooner. Do keep in mind how long the hallway is so you do not bump against wall and get mauled into Uncle Ben's Ketchup.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.7

Sadly at the moment, i can't think of reason why some players have issues with level transition, i think it is individual's Gzdoom that has problems, maybe try other Gzdoom version or double check everything from your game controls.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Version 4.7 is here, and inventory system is fixed.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I noticed now that inventory items such as Painkillers, no matter how many you collect for next level, they go for amount 1. This is not a feature intended to have, i'll have a look and see if i can fix that.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Alright, i don't know. It's working fine on my end but for whatever reason you cannot get it work. And you are using Gzdoom 4.10?

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

It's same button you press when you open doors, it's the same key you move on to next map.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.5

As in 2 levels? No. There are multiple levels to go through, it ends when epilogue and credits start rolling.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

If it's big pillar surrounded by chess floor, that's a puzzle you must solve.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.5

Sounds like you found a puzzle. Solve it and you'll find out.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Well there's many switches here and there, i can't tell exactly what switch you're talking about, can you describe surroundings?

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

Yeah, they are quite pain in the ***. They got damage window quite narrow and you must time your shot. So, not a glitch, a feature.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I have received reports about issues in version 4.5, i can't guarantee i can fix all of them but i will try see what i can do about them, Moldbeacon for example when you throw it and if you catch it before midair it will disappear for good and i do not know how it can be fixed. I have talked with co-editor if we should make it work as lantern or some sort, which then would slightly alter the original gameplay when it comes to exploring in dark sections. Another issue was level transition, some had trouble proceeding to next level and i can understand that why, because you have only one button you must press to go on and that is "use/open" or the same button way you open all the doors in levels, i first intended to give script multiple buttons to try out such as 'Jump' and 'Primary Fire' but they only caused me bugs, i'll be honest i'm not too great with making level scripts (just the basics), if i'm going to release version 4.6 i will add little note to stats screens what key you are suppose to press to continue, i mean a little hint don't do harm to anybody, right? Also in stats, there's a thing in script that makes the message go infinite repeat on console, i saw what was the issue and i'm fixing it.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.5

My friend told me before having a similar issue, eventually he got it to work when tried pressing "use" button, which should be same as opening doors, it does confuse me little because i do not have trouble myself entering next level. I don't know maybe i'll find something when i play it again, i thought everything was fine when i tested maps through.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel: Lost Contact v4.5

Level transition is suppose to happen if you press "use". Go to Gzdoom's "Customize controls" > "action" and look for "use / open", whatever you have there set, press it (when you're in stats). Let me know if it works.

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HevnDemonic-90eks - - 48 comments @ The Hotel - Lost Contact

I could take more look into that level transition, but it has never failed on me, i don't know why it does for you. You're suppose to press "use" button, you may wanna double check your control keys. Yes, Desert Eagle is very powerful and that's the point, you find it if you find it and whatever rounds you can discover, you spare all that for worst case scenarios. You're going to really need all of it, once you play [Redacted] skill. As for your last question; i was told it's from Might and Magic 7, there's credits txtfile for more info where sprites are coming from. Thank you for feedback.

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