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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 58)
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 ChaosFA

Okies, hope you can fix the poor hero tsunami tank ^^
Yes but infantry gained double range sometimes even without being in a forest, so that is not it.
For descriptions there would be a solution, just ask someone to do it for you, I can do it if ya want.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 ChaosFA

C1CTWC Your mod is awesome, a lot work was put into it clearly.
Played all missions for all factions on hard till the end.
Also made it extra hard for no base, pure tactic missions to lose 0 units.
Had a real blast with this one.
I found 2 weird bugs tho.

- Tsunami Tank can not do damage anymore, once he becomes heroic rank.
- Infantry units sometimes have double range and sometimes not it is super strange...
-Some missions could use some polish in the eventing, sometimes it was unclear what to do, at first.

Thanks for this great project of yours, is this the final version, or there even more missions and changes coming in the future? ^^

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 ChaosFA

This mod is pure insanity x,D
The only thing I disliked is the obvious imbalance.
Specially Artillery units are ridicoulse broken.
They can shot insanly far and do overpowered aoe dmg, the area is huge, might as well just give up on ever building base defense.
Just spam Artillery units yourself, since they so broken.
Specially Air Long range guns Artillery etc.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Already did, they gave up on this website here.
And not care, since they can not stop it. RIP

Good karma-1 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX


Chat with 黄KOri team member of the remix mod.
Highlighted reply
1 hour ago
HEARTLESS ANGEL 666 we gave up that site. Lots of haters give bad reviews trying to bring it down. So only patreon now.

1 second ago
@黄KOri Then you should close it, and give people the information, since they do not know.

Good karma-10 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX


It´s FREE you can just download it like that.
From now on no more uploads will be done on this moddb website.

Go here, then scroll down to 0.2.3 and then download all 3 parts there, then unzip and play.

Have fun ^^

But be warned, it seeems unfinished and buggy, still showing -------- instead of some words...

Also A.I is crazy again, and protocols getting spamed as well... painful obvious now how imbalanced they are if the A.I. nukes your base.

And you have no way to stop them, since they not need to build buildings for those overpowered nuke weapons... like ion canon and orbital drop.

Good karma-4 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

they will use everything in 0.2.3 and you gonna wish they did not hahaha, be warned 0.2.3 will **** you off, it´s either rush enemy down as fast as possible or get nuked, and have no way to protect yourself or stop it.
Only allies can protect themself with chrono protocol.
Super fair... not... x,D

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX


So I played a few matches with 0.2.3 and I have to say some people will hate this version very much. x,D
The A.I now spams protocols and it becomes like I predicted super obvious how imbalanced they are, specially the tier 5, like ion canon and orbital drop or unstopable original super weapons that not need support buildings.
Since they made it so that all protocols are undepended of the mcv and there are no buildings for the ultimate weapons and tier 5 ultra destructive abilities. So if you unlucky you will end up with an enemy having 2 unstopable nukes, and will constantly **** you off with protocols spam and double nuke your base to oblivion. As the empire you completely defenseless, nanoswarm is rendered useless. Soviets can barley protect a bit, once with the iron curtain, while allies once again being the most broken faction, and can just use energy shield and chrono fissuer to protect themselfs even from those unstopable nukes. All in all this is what makes the mod imbalanced, those ultimate weapons without building dependency are ruining the fun, in pve and pvp alike. It just becomes a nuke and ultimate unit spam fest. And the faction with more money and broken protocols wins. Which is the allies. As the allies 0.2.3 is easy mode. Nuke enemy base, but just chrono avoid there nukes. While spamming money making powerplants... broken...
I not recommend playing 0.2.3, unless you want a challenge and are a veteran like I am... but I have to say even as a veteran you will be annoyed after a while... challenge is nice, but not broken nonsense.
I managed to beat 1vs3 brutals barley... not want to imagine 1vs5 and what will happen if you not instantly rush them down... in the end game 1vs5 would nuke you base to hell,oblivion and beyond...

Good karma-6 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Nah, they just removed the code for the A.I. to use it.
It should be back in 0.2.3 which is already uploaded btw... just the moddb site still processing it... so we have to wait 24 hours... annoying but thats how it is.

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

No idea why, but they nerfed the A.I. in 0.2.1 and 0.2.2
Should be fixed in 0.2.3

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Skalozubio looks like some bugs we reported got fixed in a more up to date version. ^^
Also fellow commanders, this billibilli link will always keep you up to date, but it is not translated.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ Red Alert 3 Entropy

Hey Ace, I play tested all factions in the current 0.3.0 version.
I noticed 2 bugs tho,
1: The Sniper unit of the allies can not attack anymore, once it becomes hero status aka triple veterancy. Pretty annoying since it is a useful unit otherwise.
2: The hover drone ( special ability unit of the raider )
Sometimes if it dies it not dissapears, specially noticable if it dies to desolator troppers.
3: Why empire has no secondary commando like allies and soviets?
Mabye not ready yet?

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Free Version is always 1 grade behind.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Ofc it does ^^
And yes, also free hammer tank weapon upgrade of your choice.
I always find the most broken bugs, lol.
Soviet with there ridicoulse money bug and hammer tanks.
Japan with there god like giga fortress with endless hp if you put 100 nanobots in them x,D
Wonder what weird bug I could find for the allies...
Aw I found one... unstoppable tanya bug...

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 Epic War

Oh boy, ver. 1.9... here we go x,D
The madness continues.

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ Psysonic Omega

Yay a new update of one of my fav mods!
Hope you managed to find the cause of the crashes.

Good karma+3 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 Epic War

Good job, fixing the Hit box for the MIR!
About god damn time hahaha~ <3

Good karma+3 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Heya fellow commanders, Ketsueki aka Heartless Angel here.
Coming to you with 2 more overpowered bugs.
This time for the soviets.

Money Bug:

What does it do?
Gives a huge boost in money depending how well you do it.

How to replicate the bug?
Get the protocol Massproduction and build a crane.
Build a bunch of units and make them gather around the crane.
Use the active form of the protocol and target the crane.
Send all units into the crane, and bang boom bang...
You gain there full value back!

What...? It dosen´t sound broken?
Think about the bigger picture you dummy!
By default, the crane gives back half the money only, not the full 100%!
And passive mass production makes all units cost only 75%!
Meaning you make a 25% bonus from all units you did send into the crane!
It also can be combined with terror drones passive, which makes even more money!
So let´s say you send in 10 Apocalypse tanks cost 20000$ - 25% = cost 15000$
You gain back 20000$! So you gain 5000$ Bonus! And this is just a minor use
of the bug... think bigger now... the more cranes and units the more bonus money
And also bonus terror drones who give yet again another 400$ each...

Extra bug report, for soviet AI only:
If they use cash bounty and are on brutal mode, it multiplies with there brutal mode
Meaning they will have endless cash and will very fast sky rock to 999999+$

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Good Job, I added to your videos comments section, the bugs I reported so far or did write down here. Just so you can use them for a second video maybe? So we can put our knowledge of all known bugs so far, together.
That the devs can just watch them all at once. Not having to look at so many different places.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Hey Commanders, Ketsueki aka Heartless Angel here.
If you want to have 15 protocol points in remix, here you go.
I took my fav RA3 mission map and custom changed it, to a wartime map.
Where you can have fun PVP or PVE Games with up to 6 players on.
It starts each player with a base and some special form of unit.
Super Yuriko, Super Natasha, Super Kirov, Super Apocalypse Tank, Super Emperor Oni,
Super Shogun Executioner and special reactors for japan and long range canons for all players base start points, there is also plenty of expansions.
Enjoy and have a fun wartime, don´t let corona virus get you down.
Map Download link:

Good karma0 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

Yeah that video is not translated, and I guess I missed this video 11. Seems some text within the game itself needs updates for the english translation.
A lot skill text is not 100% accurate anymore.
And other things, like Izumi being called Arch Maiden for some reason x,D

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ Altogether

Pretty awesome, hope it all goes well in your development ^^

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

knightvvv Bug report for version 0.2.2:
Minor Bugs but important for balance:
- Nanoswarm still cost 3000 instead of 1500 credits.
Iron Curtain and Chronosphere cost 1500 credits, only.
- Mining upgrade of empire still buged and also underpowered compared to soviets and allies... it says it reduce cost of miners, but it dosen´t!

Alright and for the grant final... the biggest most broken bug I ever seen.
Nearly Immortal Giga Fortress!
The changed Giga Fortress transformation in ver. 0.2.2 makes it insanly overpowered and reaches a near immortal state of Health...
How to reproduce the bug:
Gather an insane amount of nanobots around the unit you about to transform to the Giga Fortress and let it absorb ALL of them!
After the absorb place another nanobot inside the unit as a finishing touch
Result will be an insane near immortal unit, with out of this world hp and regen!
Normally it was meant to only absorb a maximum of 10 nanobots... not endless...
And even without this bug, the unit would be very strong ^^
But with it... you basiclly in godmode with this unit, making it a boss.
You should consider trying it out and fixing it, as much as I love japan.
This is just unfair to the other factions, and I not will stay silent about it.
Since I play all factions equally and love/test them all.
You can try this out yourself and play in godmode for a while if you feel like it.
Just so you see it´s true and not some made up nonsense of a other random commander on the internet. Since I can already see people doubting my reports.

Good karma+3 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

I understand your love for the apoc tank.
It´s the same for me with the tesla tank.
Not being able to build it by normal means in normal maps.
In the original game and even uprising... made me sad and angry.
Also the fact the apoc tank had no rockets was also different.
Fun fact, tesla tanks can defeat the crab/spider/steel fortress

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

It does not tell about defense structures like Tesla coil, flak etc being also able to heal themself... but they do with this!
It does not say it ingame and also not in the video.
So my point of this being a bug or oversight, is pretty solid.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RemixEn022

Hope the dev tells us what those balance changes actually are.
Thanks a lot for the 0.2.2 remix ver. upload ^^

Good karma-1 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

knightvvv Alright I found another bug.
When using soviet bunker upgrade... it gives all defense structures self repair!
And some another notes... since you guys changed soviet money protocol to give money when there unit die... it´s broken as hell... specially on a brutal A.I.
They basiclly get endless money, since the money brutal multiplier reacts to the money gained by the protocol... which leads them to have 99999999 money at the end!
I tested this by letting a soviet A.I. fight vs 2 japan or 2 allied...
With start money of normal default 10k not the idiot 900k.
Soviet faceroled them with there endless money and unit spam x,D
Another thing is, that you guys removed the ability of repair drones to slowly repair structures as well... why? I really liked that feature.
It´s annoying as hell to manually repair anything by hand, if you can build drones to do it instead and have a better base managment.
Last but not least... you video lock down for content on patreon makes no sense.
Since you can just watch those videos for free on billibilli china page. x,D
I really don´t understand some logic and decisions of the dev team.
But regardless you know I love your mod, hope it get´s even better.

Good karma+1 vote
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ REMIX

The Iron Curtain Apoc Version seems broken as hell x,D

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ Red Alert 3 Entropy

Very cool mod with huge potential.
It´s still in early stages but already interesting.
Looking forward too it´s future. ^.^

Good karma+2 votes
HeartlessAngel - - 58 comments @ RA3 Epic War


Good karma+2 votes