A gamer, concept artist and writer for hire. (Will work for BJ's. Or sandwiches. Or I.O.U.'s )

RSS Reviews

Day One : Garry's Incident

Game review

The graphics are way behind and the animations are strange.
The missions are stupid and so easy to **** up it hurts.
After you **** up, you would Imagine you could just free-roam. Wrong. The game is too buggy for that.
And the combat... Just crouch and nothing will attack you. Idiocy.

And the developers are the worst part about this pile of horse ****- they censor all bad reviews, claiming 'copyright infringement'. **** you. If someone doesn't like your game - and there are a lot of people that don't- take their critique and fix your damn broken game instead of attempting to silence the hate. It won't work.

In conclusion: I just hope that you never make another game again. Ever.