Hi there, my name is Gerry. I'm a software engineer, but not much of a gamer. I just like to poke around with game engines/SDK's from time to time.

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New Tutorial Posted!

gerry Blog

I've posted a new tutorial on two dimensional path finding.

The tutorial is divided into two parts: a lecture video and source code. I highly recommend watching the video before looking at the source code. There's a lot of theory involved in order to truly understand how it all works.

You can find it here on ModDB.

Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!

Hello World!

gerry Blog

So I realized that I need to get some content up on ModDB before anyone will take me seriously. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank ModDB for a fine site and great community!

In my spare time to come, I will be adding more content to my profile. Be sure to check back for my first addition: a path finding tutorial.