I like gaming I know how to model for the source engine, also I know some C++,Lua,and a little of Java because of some time I've spent with Unity. I am not a good modeler but I am still learning and I hope to make my own Video Game one day, It has been a dream of mine since I was little.Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you didn't... :/

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My First Blog :D

Gamepro900 Blog

Well, to start off I've never had a Blog so I don't really know what to do...As time progresses I will get better at this, for now I will talk about what I've been doing lately.

Recently I have been helping my friend make a gamemode for GMod, all has been going well even though progress is slow. We have been making most of the models and such from scratch. I am but one of the mappers :D

Besides gamemode making I have been learning more and more on how to make my own game, Once I learn enough C++ Ill make my own game engine that should be some fun if not extremely hard xD This is all I have for now, maybe later I'll post another Blog
