FAT BOMB STUDIOS is an independent game company with the sole purpose of making explosive games and having a blast while doing it!

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Opportunities and The Fear They Bring


Hi Guys!

First off I wanted to give you a quick update on Quantum Lock's Steam Greenlight progress. The stats: 9 Days, 433 Yes votes, 59% of the way to the top 100. We are really appreciative of the support we have gotten so far. If you haven't had the chance to check out the game here's the link

Today was a very exciting and intriguing day at the studio. We were approached by several people about potential opportunities for our game and the studio as a whole. Of course, we don't want to spoil anything by talking about them too soon, but we will keep you updated as we can.

The emails we received today sparked an idea about how often people are presented with opportunities, but are reluctant to seize them for one reason or another. I know first hand how scary it can be to think about what might happen, what could go wrong and all the other negative thoughts associated with change. Since the age of cavemen, humans have feared everything from fire to dinosaurs and although they were right to fear the man eating reptiles, not everything feared is bad.

Fear is a way to remind ourselves to be cautious and watchful, but it was never meant to be a reason not to do something.

As indie game developers, the potential rejection of our creation is a constant fear. The key is to not let that fear prevent us from reaching our goals and taking every opportunity to do just that. Remember that there is no harm in trying, even if you fail the important thing is that you learned something.

So, FAT BOMB is challenging each of you to take the next opportunity you get and no matter the outcome know that you are one step closer to reaching your goal.

Niky Leaton and the FAT BOMB DEV TEAM

The Start of A Great Thing


Over the last four months of development, the studio has been quiet. Not only on our social media outlets, but also behind closed doors.

In all honesty, the team was gun-shy. We were all very familiar with success always being just beyond our reach. We had spent the last four years with a different indie team working on a game that was just never quite right. To say the least, I think we were afraid that if we spoke too loudly the whole dream would come crashing down leaving us empty handed yet again.

We stand here now, four months later, happily surprised. Not only were we able to create a unique product, but its actually really fun to play.

Our goal to make a fun and exciting game that people the world over will enjoy playing is finally within reach and we are ready to stand on the tallest mountain and shout to the world: "We are here and We Make Games!"

This blog, along with posts to our other social media pages, is our way of doing just that. We want to involve you guys in the trials and successes of the studio. If you have questions about Quantum Lock, general game development, how to start your own indie company or even astronomy, we want to know. Someone from the studio will answer as best they can.

So keep watching and hopefully you guys like what you see