I am a IT technician/manager, a gaming enthusiest (both video and table top). A fan of music (rock, alt, metal). A practioner of Martial Arts (Aikido, Ju Jitsu). Outdoorsman. Bibliophile. Film Freak

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Awaiting the inevitable

dward526 Blog 2 comments

I have heard about Desura for a long time, mostly by techno-hipsters that say it is way much tr00 better then steam. Although not opposed, I saw little reason to signup for another digital distribution platform. Then, well surfing the internet, I found that Desura is working on a Linux client. What??? After my disappointment with the rumored Steam Linux client, and only partial success with Wine :P, I was ecstatic.

OK, enter longing. The Linux client is not live yet, and being held in closed beta. So close, I can taste it. Soon....very soon.....native Linux game distribution.

And I installed Desura on my Win box too :)