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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 127)
drFaus - - 127 comments @ New girl models for dux

В последнем архиве вовсе нету папки configs. Только модели и текстуры.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ New girl models for dux

Expression : m_pItemDataVector->end() == t_it
Function : CXML_IdToIndex<class CSpecificCharacter>::InitInternal
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\xml_str_id_loader.h
Line : 185
Description : duplicate item id
Arguments : dick_sim_default_stalker_2_default_91

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ New girl models for dux

Честно говоря, не смог определить.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ New girl models for dux

Чуток уточню. Имена у них есть, и они не совсем бессмертны. Пули сквозь них пролетают, да, однако гранатой или холодняком их вполне можно убить. Но потом, когда наводишь курсор на труп, ничего не отображается, и обыскать труп невозможно - просто не появляется приглашение "Обыскать".

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Drunk's Black Market Deal [GAMMA]

Nonsense. Only mods that change all.spawn file or similar ones require new game. Those that add new weapons, items etc. or make script changes are quite OK with current savegames. Especially if using modded exes by MrDemonized.

Also, it would be nice to have a version without any weapons added. For instance, I already have most of these weapons installed in separate mods. And I have no even a slightest wish to change anything that works all right.

Finally, I really wonder what on Earth made you add weapon description file? It's not DLTXfied and therefore conflicts with almost everything, since a lot of text strings duplicate ones from BaS and vanilla.

Good karma+4 votes
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Sorry for a false alarm, man. When I checked the crash log more closely, I found out that it was another mod that caused error in Perk Based Artefacts which, in it's turn, crashed with Busy Hands. After I removed the mod to blame the issue has disappeared. I still have an issue with emissions and particularly often with psy-storms but it has nothing to do with busy hands bug.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ new BaS bullets 0.2

It's either smoke or thermal grenade.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 262
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
2 : [Lua] d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(90) : f

LUA error: d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:90: The Actor Update system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 1, caused by script: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\perk_based_artefacts.script | line: 6293

Check log for details

stack trace:

Crash happens when shooting to a distance greater than 100 m usually with a sniper rifle. Not instantly, but after two or three, sometimes more, kills game stops giving messages about experience gained (I use Anomaly Popup Messages) and crashes with the log above. It doesn't happen in a close combat.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ LEWD StG44

No, I meant this: in w_lewd_stg44.ltx you define
ammo_class = lewd_ammo_7.92x33_fmj, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_fmj_bad, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_fmj_verybad, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_mh, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_mh_bad, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_mh_verybad, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_sp, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_sp_bad, lewd_ammo_7.92x33_sp_verybad

But there are no "_verybad" sections at all in w_ammo_792x33.ltx, and no _"bad" sections for SP and MH cartridges. Which is still the case with the latest update, as I see. And this surely will cause crashes on attempt to reload, since some of the ammo sections listed in weapon config file are missing.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ LEWD StG44

Man, I'm sorry to say that, but you made a complete mess with ammo with the latest update. Look thoroughly what ammo is defined in weapon config file and compare it to what is in the ammo definition file.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Improved Ranks v1.32 (1.5.2)

Nowhere. It does not have MCM module.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Classes and talents 0.53

Мод чудный! Но у меня в последнее время с завидной регулярностью вылезает один косяк:

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 262
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
2 : [Lua] d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(90) : f

LUA error: d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:90: The Actor Update system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 1, caused by script: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\perk_based_artefacts.script | line: 6293

Check log for details

stack trace:

Опытным путём выяснил, что баг возникает из-за постоянного сообщения Actor weight updater от Вашего мода. Причём, что интересно: когда что-то крафтишь, ремонтируешь и т.д. - никаких проблем не случается. Вылет происходит исключительно при стрельбе, и в основном на дальние дистанции.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Perk Based Artefacts 2.1 (PBA) (UPDATE 4.1)

Забудьте. Похоже, я нашёл, откуда у этого бага ноги растут. Ошибку вызывал аддон Classes and talents от bvcx. Отключил его - и баг пропал. По крайней мере, больше не возникает в тех условиях, в которых раньше регулярно вылезал.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Perk Based Artefacts 2.1 (PBA) (UPDATE 4.1)

У меня последняя версия. В MO2 мод располагается с наивысшим приоритетом, если это имеет значение. Модифицированные экзешники тоже самые свежие на данный момент.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Dynavision Photomode

I'm sorry, man, just looked through the Quickstart guide very quickly and somehow missed it. Great addon!

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Dynavision Photomode

I wonder if it conflicts in any way with Dynamic Tonemap Extended:

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Anomalous Creation Upd.1

I can't give more information right now, because the crash happened twice just when I was in my hideout looking through inventory. Certainly some mutant died in an anomaly within alife radius, but it was outside of my vision. After the game crashed for the second time, I just disabled the addon in MO2. Now I'll try your quick fix then with debug enabled.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Anomalous Creation Upd.1

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 262
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
1 : [Lua]\gamedata\scripts\spawn_arties_on_death.script(278) : f

LUA error:\gamedata\scripts\spawn_arties_on_death.script:278: attempt to index local 'game_obj' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Perk Based Artefacts 2.1 (PBA) (UPDATE 4.1)

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 262
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
2 : [Lua] d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(90) : f

LUA error: d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:90: The Actor Update system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 1, caused by script: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\perk_based_artefacts.script | line: 6293

Check log for details

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ ULTIMATE AUTOSAVE V2.0

Hi! Nice and very useful mod :) Just for your information: xml files in configs/text folder must be in Win-1251 encoding. Honestly, for Latin alphabet based languages it doesn't matter actually, but for Cyrillic based ones it's important. Russian translation file in your mod is in UTF, and therefore it's not properly displayed in MCM menu.

Good karma+2 votes
drFaus - - 127 comments @ New Zone Mutants can't see through foliage 1.5 DLTX

Thank you, it's a nice mod!
But for God's sake, please use consistent archive naming system. As you deliver updates rather frequently, it becomes a pain to distinguish which one is the newest.

Good karma+3 votes
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Welrod MK 2 Pistol

Nice, thank you!

However, ogg comments need to be polished. It's obviously strange, to say the least, that a shot of the pistol declared to be "near-silent" is heard from 150 meters, and AI reacts even from within 250 meters. It's a silent pistol, not a howitzer, right? :)

Good karma+6 votes
drFaus - - 127 comments @ [1.5.2 / DLTX] Gifts From Companions v0.6.1


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_gfcmod_pda.script(22) : Reset

LUA error: d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_gfcmod_pda.script:22: attempt to concatenate a nil value

Check log for details

Getting this crash every time when clicking the Relations tab in PDA. Hip is the only companion I have.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ [1.5.2 / DLTX] Gifts From Companions v0.6.1

Hah, so far I solved it for myself by commenting out the if clause blocking the story npc in gfcmod.script and disabling companion tasks in MCM. Now it's all right - no tasks from Hip, but everything else is working perfectly.

Happy New Year to you man! Great addon!

Good karma+3 votes
drFaus - - 127 comments @ [1.5.2 / DLTX] Gifts From Companions v0.6.1

However, as for me, it's not the best idea to disable story npc completely. You might just disable them from task giving.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ [1.5.2 / DLTX] Gifts From Companions v0.6.1

Ah, I see. I'll try to create a non-story companion then in order to check if it works. Or just find an older version for the time being.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ [1.5.2 / DLTX] Gifts From Companions v0.6.1

Worked fine for me until 0.2.0 version. Since then, it doesn't. No gifts, no dialog option, no pda tab - it seems that it simply isn't loaded at all. The companion is Hip if it does matter. The mod is almost in the end of MO2 list so it should not be overwritten with anything.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Repackable Medpacks v1.1.0

No Russian translation is present within the archive.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Repackable Medpacks v1.1.0

I made the said changes, but no result. Maybe the problem is due to that the camelbak and auto-doctor from the addon I mentioned above are not even devices, but artefacts as they inherit configuration from af_base section.
For me, the simplest variant is to make a kind of blacklist containing sections of items that should not be affected by your addon in any way.

Good karma+1 vote
drFaus - - 127 comments @ Repackable Medpacks v1.1.0

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 257
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
1 : [Lua] d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\rpmk_medpack.script(1310) : drop_condition_met

LUA error: d:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\rpmk_medpack.script:1310: attempt to compare number with nil

Check log for details

stack trace:

Crashes on attempt to refill the camelbak introduced by this addon:

Good karma+2 votes