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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ Body Health System Realistic Overhaul (0.87 EFT BHS Update)

I did a mod once that had similar intent as yours. Sadly, I did not have the time and energy to keep it up to date. If you need inspiration, you might want to take a look. Also, feel free to copy any bits of code that you like.

It is this one:

Good karma+3 votes
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Added as an MCM option in the latest update.
It's a quick and dirty implementation though. The functionality is there, but the text of the items is not changed.
Also, if you change that option you need to exit the game and reload your save for this to take effect.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Yes, slowly. :-)
Modding takes time, and I don't have much at the moment :-/

Good karma+2 votes
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Sorry for the late reply. This seems to be a conflict with other mods you are using. Specifically, this is a conflict caused by Haruka's fillable canteens. I think you can fix it by deleting "items_fillable.ltx" from my mod. The error message suggest that these entries already exist in another file.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

This part of the code was not changed by me. When I have time I will update to BHS 2.0 as base, maybe that will fix it.

Sorry to say I don't have much spare time right now, so probably won't happen soon.

Edit: On second thought, mybe my changes are responsible. Could be the natural regeneration is the issue. You can try and disable that in the MCM options, see if that fixes it.
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the bug. Everything works as intended for me. Though from time to time I do see weird behaviour like one body health bar beeing yellow when it should be blue. Strange.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

The noise effect happens because of an active painkiller. Epinephrine is also a painkiller, that is why you have the effect.
I added an MCM option to turn this off if it bothers you.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ ARX module 1 - SPAWN SYSTEM(s) module(s)

I had a look at the files and noticed some inconsistencies.

The files that declare which artefact can spawn at a location use the pointer "af_class_weak_mid" (used for example in "mar_smart_terrain_3_3_anomal_zone.ltx"). However, in "artefacts.ltx", "af_class_weak_mid" does not exist.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

I just started using that mod myself. It didn't crash yet. Do you know what exactly needs a compatibility patch? I had a quick look, and so far I've seen nothing that needs patching.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ [1.7.1] Ballistics Overhaul

I can answer that question, because I made an excel sheet about it. The problem is less with GBOOBS and more with the vanilla game armor values of NPCs (GBOOBS doesn't change armor values). The military helmet has quite a high armor rating. In fact, the weaker exos have the same helmet armor rating as the military helmet. Yet you can see even novice stalkers wearing that helmet.

Basically, if you see a guy wearing the military helmet, that is where he has the highest armor rating. For example military guys have armor 0.2 on the body and 0.3 on the head. Now GBOOBS has the feature that bullets bounce off if they don't penetrate. That means if you shoot that soldier with 5.45 FMJ, you can penetrate his body armor but not his helmet. Not logical, but not really the fault of GBOOBS.

To be precise: 5.45 FMJ vs soldier body armor is partial penetration with reduced damage, not full penetration. But still better than a bounce when you shoot the helmet.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ ARX - Artefact & Anomalies Restoration eXperiment

First of all, I want to thank you for the work you put into this. Much appreciated.

"2 junk artefacts got minor protective traits."

As far as I know, junk atrtefacts are in file "items_artefacts_junk.ltx", and that is not included in the mod. So currently we don't get your edits of the junk artefacts.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Thanks for the report. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the crash. I tried with latest FDDA, smoking works just fine for me.

What renderer are you using? DX11 or something else?

Something you can try:
Install FDDA after my mod, don't apply the patch for FDDA from my mod. The only interaction between my mod and FDDA is anims_list.ltx. If your game still crashen when using the anims_list.ltx from FDDA, then my mod should have nothing to do with the crash.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Code for UI was not changed. Anything that works with Groks BHS should be compatible.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Thanks for the report, should be fixed in the new version I just uploaded (1.03).
Sorry about that, apparently I didn't playtest enough.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

My changes to the actor_effects.script are not integral to the mod working. It's just some effects of the painkillers. The main thing that is in there is active painkillers preventing you from dropping your weapon.

As a temporary fix, you can simply not use my modded actor_effects.script and use a standalone mod to disable weapon dropping if that annoys you. At least I hope that fixes it.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

I have not used FAMINE and TRAUMA myself, just had a quick read of the description. Those two mods aim to make the game harder. My mod is basically Grok BHS made a bit easier.

Compared to Grok BHS with FAMINE and TRAUMA, my mod will definately be easier.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

I play on hard difficulty, with standard settings.
A cat bite takes about half your health when you are wearing just your rookie leather jacket. A broken leg for half your health gone seems about right.

I did not edit that part of BHS, Groks BHS does exactly the same thing.

Good karma+2 votes
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Yes, I can make that a standalone mod, no problem.

Good karma+2 votes
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Thanks a lot :-)

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

I can reproduce the error. I must have saved in the wrong format after editing it.

Fixed, I uploaded the new version.
For the record: the right way to save .dds is with the DXT5 algorithm. At least when you want maximum compatibility.

Good karma+1 vote
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

Weapon sway is from bvcx, and the code that handles weapon sway in this mod is also by him. I would guess it is compatible.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

No new game needed. Should be fine to just overwrite the GBHS files. Only side effect is that traders will not have some items until the next restock.

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DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

I can add an option for that.

My decision for the bandage to fix a broken leg is based on my gameplay experience. Early game, one cat bite is enough to break your leg. I did not want to change the early game healing economy, which is that bandage + medkit fixes you up.

As for how a bandage can fix a broken leg: In DayZ you can craft a splint from a bandage and some sticks. So just imagine you take some sticks from the nearest bush. That is what I had in mind.

Good karma+3 votes
DokBrok - - 23 comments @ BHS evolution

There are no conflicts. However, currently artifact healing of body parts only activates for those artifacts that have bleeding reduction in vanilla.
I can easily add a compatability patch in the next version.

If you don't want to wait for that, the artifact entries are in zzz_player_injuries.script starting at line 185. There you can add entries for artifacts that should help heal body parts.

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