Well I love gaming is a Hobby for me since I dont work with anything related to games. Since I was a kid I played the shit out of half life and mods so I hope I at least know how to respect and enjoy this Art Form

RSS Reviews

Arsenal Overhaul REDUX 2.3.2 - Clear Sky

Mod review

Is actually quite stable, i haven't crashed not even once, the visuals, characters, weapons, top notch is a good way to come back to this interesting stalker story with a nice compilation of cools mods and hard work to put them together.

However, the game-play is horrid, i think is kinda a simple error of balancing in the damage output, but i will be honest that this simple error is game-breaking when you start facing armored soldiers, (duty, monolith or freedom) i guess that is the only major complain i have.

Also I really don´t mind the female characters i guess just have an option to install them.


Raising the Bar: Redux

Early access mod review may contain spoilers

I think the main problem I had was the intro before kleiners, some were good but the rest was just stale with citizens not doing anything at all, but damn once **** goes down it goes down really good, the gunplay, models (make a pack for vanilla half life 2 ;V), environment works fine fine, I think this mod compared to the other (beta related mods) should focus on action and set pieces.

Make more little details to the environment, to make the intro better maybe add more dialogue for citizens and a little quest-puzzles and a chase sequence

Music awesome keep it going baby it was fitting with that half life vibe, voice acting was good some people don't like barney but he was fine at the end not as good as the others but OK.

Overall it was Good I think a solid 8.5 FOR NOW, because i know it will only get better.

Edit: It got a lot better xD


Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Mod review

"Well it looks like old times again"
So finished this mod and well I wanna give my overall score, it was Good, there are Flaws mind you but you can still make some progress.

My main complain witch is not even a fair complain is the voice acting i am sorry but is not good, it actually damages the immersion i was feeling in the story, I know is not something fair to complain or easy to solve but it has to be fixed since it doesn’t matches the same quality of the mod is just distracting. maybe some retrying or updating in the near future.
minor complains: Some bugs, Enemy AI just being dumb in some parts.

PS: The soundtrack was ******* awesome, you guys knew were to put it perfectly (that is why i wonder is not in the same lv of quality as the Voice acting).


Half-Life 2 Beta Minimalist Mod

Mod review may contain spoilers

one day my brother came to my room and told me that Half life 2 was coming soon in 2003, but that version never came out, instead years later 2019, we got this, i clapped my *** when i saw this on mod DB today and now i can die drowned in my toilet

6/10 IGN rating boyyy


SPV3 for Halo CE

Mod review may contain spoilers

Very Brief, Cool weapons, cool new enemies, cool maps, cool new campaing, cool new effects and overal look of the game(enemies, marines, ******* flood) it feels more HALO than the last 343 Game.

Not cool, the flood being more annoying than ever, i mean that certain level in this mod it gave me flashback from the other certain lv in Halo 3 it was fun sometimes but more like a chore at the end, some minor glitches and performance drop but nothing too bad.

A kick *** mod

"All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close... this is your lucky day."


The Armed Zone

Mod review

I am close to beating Misery with this Mod, and its been a really fun but sometimes frustrating, this is a beta so many things will change maybe in the next version.

This is at least in my opinion the best mod to have with Misery is just really fun to get to choose what weapon to use each time, you can stick to one or two, but i advise to use a mix between a sidearm, a long range rifle and a primary weapon being a smg, assault rifle or a shotgun.

There are a lot of bugs and some that are really annoying but is just the engine, some are from the mod of course but not game breaking. Yes this game can really put you to misery (hehe) but believe that most of the time is fair. maybe a little change in the weight capacity may work.

If i want a new feature for the next version for this mod is, have not more guns but costumization, more attachments and little tweaks for the gun play.


Wilson Chronicles

Mod review

Hunt Down The Nihilanth

Early access mod review may contain spoilers

this has been a hard year so far for me, i saw how the Uruk-hai murdered my entire family in the battle of helms deep, also someone ****** up my face so I needed an escape from reality.

this mod has everything you will ever need and the graphics. That's, you know, that's really what this is all about.