I'm Anthony. I'm quite happy with my life at the moment.. I'm a proud veteran of the United States Army. I was stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, as part of the 1st Air Cavalry Brigade. I was deployed in support of Operation Iraq Freedom IX-X from April 09 to April 10. I'm very proud of my former units, my country, and the people defending it. I am currently studying Game Design at the Art Institute of Dallas. I am an avid gamer of strategy games, particularly the Command & Conquer games. I'm also a very very social person. You can look me up on either Facebook (Search Anthony Christian Myers). I love new people. Anyone and everyone can talk to me.

RSS My Blogs

Long Night of Solice

daTSchikinhed Blog

Oh man. *sigh* It's been nuts. busybusybusy Anthony over here. Moved schools. Learned new stuff. Got into modding Sins of a Solar Empire even!

I am looking forward to going to the Art Institute of Dallas. I got the call today for a meeting with the Dean of Admissions. So yeah, there's my quarterly update, hah. Yes, I'm still alive. Yes, I still mod the crap out of Tiberian Sun, and even have my own mod for Yuri's Revenge called "Echilon: The War for Terra Nova", although it's not yet ready to be on ModDB :P.

Anywho, this is just a "Hey guys, i'm alive" post.. not that anyone ever reads these things >.< So I suppose I'm talking to myself. Oh well.

Until next time!

It's been a (long) while.

daTSchikinhed Blog

Well then. The last blog I posted was about my deployment to Iraq. I'm out now. Home, and at UNT. I'm looooving the civilian life again. I finally have time to do what I do best. Mod the shit out of C&C. :) I'm working on some new stuff for Tiberian Sun, and I'm seriously considering venturing outside my comfort zone and modeling for C&C3 and Kane's Wrath. We'll see how it turns out! See you on the battlefield, Commanders!

Goin' to Iraq

daTSchikinhed Blog

Well, I'm going to Iraq in 3 weeks. yes. 3 WEEKS! I'm super excited, but somewhat worried at the same time. I really don't want to leave everyone, but, whatever. I'm leaving Aro in charge of my mod. He's been very capable with TI, as well as others. Leah flies down thursday, i'm pretty excited about that too.

Well, yeah. That's about it for now. Kudos to Aro for his Evo terrain. :D