Hey guys, my name is Daniel Collins and just like the rest of you...I love games. That's what brings us all together whether or not we like the same games or platforms doesn't matter, what matters is FUN. Let's face it, we would all rather be shootin' down interstellar spacecrafts that are threatening mankind, or lootin' piles of recently hacked-N-slashed bandits. That's the beauty of video games...You can do it all! I just finished my first game called Normsville Nights: Monster Madness and I'm pretty excited to have it up here at Desura. I'm new to game development, but I am loving every "bit" of it. I'm a pretty laid back dude so if you wanna know more hit me up.

RSS Reviews

GameMaker Studio

Engine review

GM Studio is great. They have given ordinary Joes like myself the ability to create great games the way they were suppose to be created...without major corporations forcing "creative" changes. That's the beauty of Indie games, you make the games YOU want to, and GM Studio is so affordable that the only thing you need is a little cash and some creativity. Keep it up YOYO games you guys are awesome!