Damanstudios started off in Q2/2009, consisting of daman, andy tyler and imperial. We're dedicated, passioned and deliver our addons with extensive quality assurance prior release. Since also our work will include bugs and overseen issues, immediately after release, the "Hot Time Counter" starts, means that we're ready to release any necessary hotfix as soon as possible within the necessary time frame, to iron out any game breaking issues. Everybody is working at his own pace and you can take one thing as granted, when you are interested in our addons: We're no nerds. We've got a life. Means that our avaibility is not 24/7 and we rather go to a party or meet a girl, than developing the next chapter of addons. So follow us on our journey, and be assured: Silence is the silence before the storm.

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Making of

Daman1 Blog

Andy Tyler : Why does our model building take so long?
A look behind the scenes

The model of the M1117 took 5 weeks. The model of the Vityaz SN took 1 month. And its still not finished.

Its because of the different approach we're using. We focus on a living
interior, which means we do not just care about the hull, the interior
has to be modelled as well.

For example, here you can see a picture of the FTTS we're creating. We're
building the model modular, means hood, doors, trunk, all seperated, so we
are able to animate it afterwards (e.g. open doors or trunks)

This does not add anything to the gameplay but does increase the immersion
Also its easier to port the existing model to other games which feature animated
parts, such as Grand Theft Auto: 4 for example.

Also an accurate damage model is possible now (GTA4).

Here you can see an example of our model, which is modular built,
means we seperated the hood from the rest, so we can open it and add the engine.

Demonstration: Engine

Now some people might be wondering, if its really worth and we're saying:

Yes. Definitely.

Nothing is impossible. damanstudios: D A S

Post One

Daman1 Blog

Andy Tyler Its getting forward. I don't really see a change in the big TBH
we've got up there, but still we're really pushing the boundaries, means
we're working on our absolute limit.

Still, no need to expect the modification too soon, but we have
a rough timedate in our heads, which we're trying to keep.

And isn't an increase in the workload always a good sign?