Concolor1 - One of the original RA2 & YR mission writers for one of the first RA2 fansites RADEN from 2000. Decided to come back and support the RA2 community with more missions, but on a grander scale. Written over 40 missions between the two games. Currently working on a second campaign for YR.

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Concolor1 Blog

And its now live, the download for Yuri's Revenge Re-Engagements is now available. Hopefully it will entertain those that choose to give it a go. Fingers crossed its bug free. I can't make any promises.

Back to Resurgence, Iv'e actually made a second version of Telsa Terror, that mission that had a bug which effected a few unfortunate players. I'll add the fix in the next few days. Im the meantime its available over at the C&C Forum. In the Red Alert2 maps section in the Yuris Revenge Campaign Resurgence thread.

Many thanks once again to McPawny and EggRollz. Both contributed to this campaign McPawny knowing all the fixes and work arounds, and EggRollz with his archival history of the RA2 universe and his endless playtests. You have my gratitude and respect. - Concolor1 Over and Out

Almost there

Concolor1 Blog 2 comments

Im close to the end, Ive just done the Soviet playthrough. Id like to add a little more to that final mission. Loadscreens and campaign information are done. CSF is updated and fixed. Not too far off completion I think. Id like to quickly revisit Yuri Resurgence and fix Tesla Trouble that has caused issues for a small minority. Im hoping to get that done this week. Im also planning a few other quick fixes, just so its not a wasted chance. So lots going on, but im not far away and hope to release it in November.

Well here's the loadscreen , which players will now see instead of the brutes standing beneath the Genetic Mutator. It took a bit of messing around to get it working, but by looking in the langmd.mix I noticed that the palette has a slightly different name to the shp file. So I took a chance and it seemed to work out ok. Here's the loadscreen and the campaign title is Yuri's Revenge - Re -Engagements. Quite simply its back to the Allies and Soviets slogging it out, so in fact it is a re-engagement.


Updates and Demo

Concolor1 Blog

Im now close to the end. I plan to release a demo of mission one for the Allies in the next few days. I'll be compiling the Soviet missions for the playtester, and as he slogs his way through those I'll be working on the loadscreens, csf spacing, the main plot text and playtesting it again myself. This process could take anything from two weeks to a month, depending what needs looking at. At present messing with a loadscreen requires three to 4 programs, the loadscreen builder, shp builder, (so I can cut a piece out), Corel paintshop pro, (so I can use its effects), paint (basic windows but its very fast for cloning), and back to the shp builder for returning it into a shp and the using a pallet. Long winded......right?

The Demo when it arrives is the first Allied Mission entitled, Exit Strategy, and will be uploaded to CNCNet.


Slowed Pace

Concolor1 Blog

Ive had to slow things down on the final mission due to family issues. That's not to say Ive stopped or lost interest. It just means my time and concentration are being put into use elsewhere. After a few weeks I should be back up to scratch. Much of my time in these missions is given over to testing and identifying issues, even if its the smallest detail like a text Im unhappy with, so its time I don't have at the moment. However work still continues and the final mission does indeed play. Ive texts I need to move around, Ai teams to add and its pretty much it. Then while the playtester looks at it I'll tidy a few other things up. Im hopefully still looking at a release end of October mid November, maybe knock the new Call of Duty off the charts eh? lolUntitledG

Final Mission

Concolor1 Blog

Right so Im now working on the final mission, this will see the Soviets using some allied structures in a bid to overthrow Yuri's hold on an allied base. Although the Soviet tech tree is available, other options will be available. The Yuri side will have two Yuri houses, and will also get to use its captured allied technology. So there may be a Chrono attack or two. Its early days yet, and there's a great deal to do, buildings get moved in some cases removed, Ai teams get scripted I could go on.... I expect at least another two weeks of work before I have something concrete. However this is the last mission, so its close to completion. I'll work on loadscreens ect as Eggrollz playtests the campaign. Hopefully then I'll be looking towards a release in the next five to six weeks.Untitledc

Just running through playtests of one of the most complex missions Ive written to date, all kinds of balancing acts going on. Its quite a grind testing and retesting, but hope to get there by the weekend. That just leaves the final mission then. Yet again I expect that to be hard going as the final mission should be one of the hardest. Fingers crossed Im looking for completion mid October.UntitledXC

Finally the Soviets now get to take on Yuri in mission six. However they won't be doing it alone. Mission six takes place in the Red Desert of Saudi Arabia, where the Soviets encounter not just Yuri, but the Allies as well.

Following on from mission 5 the plot leads both Allies and Soviets into a trap laid by Yuri's forces to ensnare any investigating force. The player will have to come to the aid of the allies, and then form an alliance in order to defeat Yuri. There's more to tell, but I don't want to ruin any surprises.Untitled6


Concolor1 Blog

Mission four sees the return of Vladimir's ship once again. After being liberated in mission two, this unit finally sees some action in the retaking of a soviet port. (Ive not decided where yet). The Unit will be used to force-fire on bridges, severing a connection where the enemy is flooding in. The player then gets to take control of the base and fight back. Currently working on the Ai teams, hopefully it will be done for the play tester this week. This now leaves just two missions to write. Mission six ive started already, to the point of Ai, no camera scripting as yet. That should be ready in the next fortnight leaving the final mission 7 which may well take a month it being the final one to script.Untitledwd


Concolor1 Blog

Im currently writing both mission four and five in tandem. Mission five is further along than four, both interesting missions. Had a slight panic attack when I had an error during loading mission five, and had to return to the previous days saved back-up, briefly. Fortunately I discovered the cause of the error and was able to rectify and restore the crashed version of the mission. Here's a screen shot of mission five. Entitled suppression, its plot revolves around a group of rouge Yuri clones that have taken control of a soviet base. The base failing to respond to orders has allowed the build-up of Allied forces around its boarders. The player will have to restore the base by eliminating the Yuri clones, then capture a Psychic Beacon, while dealing with two allied bases.UntitledTT