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Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

I don't know how you are testing it on your side, but on my side changing settings has quite a significant effect.
The bonus of intimidating from behind can be lowered or even set to 0. Many other bonuses can be disabled too.
Also, keep in mind that intimidation works based on random chance, so if your chance is not 0, you might just be getting very lucky.
However i can say that base settings indeed play heavily in favor of the player, especially with high rank. Though, imo, it's quite deserved. It's not like any enemy can kill you when you reached endgame, all your gear reflects bullets like they are droplets of water. Why wouldn't anyone surrender to that?

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

I simply forgot about the existence of that achievement, so i never added that counter. I'm currently too busy with my job to spend any more time on my personal projects, so i can't provide any actual help with that, sorry.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

I haven't had a good look at the addon for a year or two, but, from what i remember, it might be possible.

Alive and dead, stalkers still count as the same entity in the code, using the same reference. Meaning, that their position is still being tracked. So you can retrieve it.

It's probably possible to add a marker upon death if you occasionally check stalkers' states.

And, yes, technically, my addon can find and track corpses, if certain parts of code are removed.

The main reason i made the task fail once the target died is because i have no idea what happens to tasks targeting bodies if the bodies happen to disappear. Not wanting to deal with potential crashes or bugs like map markers staying on the map forever, i added this failstate as a crutch.

If you want to remove that, open StalkerSearch.script file and delete "if" sections that check if the stalker is alive.

If this link below works, i've shown what parts likely have to be deleted:

(First time uploading something here, no clue if it actually works. Also, sorry for bad formatting, i couldn't find better options at this time. It should be enough to at least give you an idea of what to work with.)

Messages will still act as if you are tracking a living stalker, so you will have to either disable them or edit the code if you want to keep immersion.

Can't give more help than that, barely have enough time to sleep nowadays.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

Что ты имеешь ввиду под приоритетом на гг?

В моём аддоне, по моему мнению, настройки и так довольно честные.
Если ты новичок и в одиночку пытаешься кого-то устрашить, у тебя почти никогда это не выйдет.
Если ты легенда с огромной командой, противник почти всегда будет тебя боятся.

Если ты имеешь ввиду что-то, вообще не относящееся к моему аддону, тут я помочь не смогу, да и не знаю с чем.
У тебя проблемы с тем, что противники фокусируются на тебе чаще чем на всех остальных? Я лично не имел с этим проблем, в моих товарищей стреляли также часто как и в меня.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Convert surrendering enemies to your faction [MCM] (v1.2)

Думаю, это сделать возможно, но не с моим опытом. Я пару раз уже пробовал возиться с кодом напарников(пытался фиксить баги, связанные с ними), и для меня он оказался слишком сложный.

Если правильно помню, то при достаточно хорошей репутации с твоей фракцией(или высоком ранге?) ты и так можешь пригласить большинство из них в напарники. По крайней мере у меня все дружественные нпц сразу имеют эту опцию.

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Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

If you use the MCM addon and go through settings on my addon, there is a "custom" option when choosing player intimidation voices.

If you have the necessary sound files(like a voice line of a female telling someone to surrender.), it's possible to use this option to make the character play these sounds whenever you make an intimidation attempt.

You need to place these sound files into "gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human\is_custom\" folder

Then you need to open intimidation_surrender.script and add paths to the files into the table [23]. There's an example showing the way the paths are formatted.

Make sure the sound files are in .ogg format at 44100hz.

If you're using a mod manager, you might also have to turn the addon off and on after modifying it.

Good karma+2 votes
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

Я сам особо не тестировал этот мод на версии 1.5.2.
Судя по комментариям, он работает, но может вызвать вылет игры, если в настройках MCM не вырубить ответы противника.

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Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

Isolation bonus gives a higher chance of intimidating enemy, increasing per each enemy of that enemy nearby.

Isolation penalty makes it harder to intimidate if the enemy is not alone. More enemies = harder to intimidate.

I don't have enough spare time to make any more additions to my mods, but it shouldn't be too difficult to add that setting if you have a bit of programming knowledge. This and the other mod should have enough bits of code related to faction checks to be able to assemble them into something useful.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

get close to an enemy, aim down sighs, point gun at them, press use/interact key.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

If you mean the button that brings up the text box, it's currently tied to the "next firing mode" function, so you will have to rebind that if you want to change it.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0)

When did you get this error?

According to what it says, it's trying to send information about a planted mine to the console/log. At the time of the error it's trying to get a name of something linked through a variable "planted_se" that's used to reference the mine after it's been spawned by the game's "alife_create" function.
For some reason the script can't find the mine. Either the link/reference has somehow been lost, or the mine failed to spawn.

If it's failure to spawn, the script might've failed to get a reference to the player and their position. Or it somehow couldn't find what type of explosive it's been planting.

What's concerning about this error is that it all seems to be happening before it even gets to my code. At the time of the error, it's still executing the game's original code. I can't find any pointers that would link to me.

Are you getting it in some unique situation or while simply planting a normal mine on the ground?

If it is giving that error due to a mistake on my side, i can't reproduce and find where it is, so i can't help with it. You might just have to uninstall it. Sorry.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Convert surrendering enemies to your faction [MCM] (v1.2)

Отсутствие новой строки вероятнее всего означает что весь скрипт не смог запуститься или не может найти нужные ему функции.

Основной причиной этого может быть неправильная установка или конфликт с другими аддонами. Если есть другой аддон, изменяющий диалоги нпц или их анимации/поведение при сдаче в плен, то он мог заменить или переименовать функции, необходимые моему аддону для работы.

Конкретно сказать что делать не могу, так как у этой проблемы слишком много разных возможных источников.

У меня всё исправно работает и на 1.5.2 и на 1.5.1, поэтому всё что могу посоветовать попробовать это или проверить работу данного аддона на чистой версии игры, или просто вырубить другие аддоны и смотреть, заработает ли он.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Convert surrendering enemies to your faction [MCM] (v1.2)

Can't offer much help with this amount of information.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

Смерть некоторых нпц это ожидаемый побочный эффект в связи с тем как мод вынужден работать.
Анимации сдающихся нпц тесно связаны с их здоровьем(изначально в игре они сдавались только когда были ранены), поэтому моду приходится снижать их здоровье до очень низкого уровня чтобы анимация работала. В связи с этим, если у нпц в этот момент кровотечение или любой другой источник урона, они очень легко могут умереть.

Можешь попробовать переустановить скрипт и изменить цифру строки " = 0.1" в функции SurrenderNPC на более высокие параметры, чтобы у них было больше здоровья, но тогда нпц могут начать быстрее вставать, потому что они будут быстрее лечиться.

Если у тебя умирают прям совсем все подряд, то скорее всего ты играешь в сборку с модами, меняющими здоровье или систему ранений у нпц, в каком случае я не смогу помочь, потому что будет слишком сложно найти источник проблемы.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0)

Are you talking about the game itself or this addon?
Either way, i have no clue. I just tested the link and it downloads just fine.

Your antivirus or adblock could've prevented you from loading the download page if it doesn't like archives, or finds it suspicious for any other reason.

If you don't have adblock, you could've accidentally clicked on some ad link instead.

The correct download button for the addon has this link:

The page it loads should have white background with text
"Click to download RemoteControlledExplosives_v1.0.rar if it doesn't start automatically or try another mirror."

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

Sorry for late reply, i didn't notice the extra page of comments.

I assume you're talking about the "Request denied: insufficient access level" message.
This means that your rank is not high enough.
If you have the MCM mod, this requirement can be reduced in its settings.
Once the necessary rank is reached, a message in the chat will be telling you that you can use the tracker.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

Это значит что у тебя недостаточно высокий ранг.
Если у тебя есть MCM мод, то это требование можно уменьшить в его настройках.
По достижению нужного ранга на кпк приходит сообщение, говорящее о том что теперь можно пользоваться этой функцией.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

I'm too busy with work and other projects of mine to put any serious effort and time into my addons anymore.

That said, i don't mind if you and anybody else use any content of my addons for any purpose besides selling it as your own.

Though i have to warn you that
-About 25% of the code in this addon (the UI) is taken from Anomaly's stash mechanic, so i technically don't own that part of the code. That probably doesn't matter as long as you're using it for modding Anomaly.(Though i doubt anyone would really care if you used it somewhere else.)
-The parts that have been written by me are done quite poorly, i didn't bother to optimize them or make them easily readable, my method is simply writing code until it compiles. It would be a pain to work with it, so it might be easier to write everything from scratch.

The most help i can give is trying to answer questions about the code i wrote(if i remember why i did the things i did).

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

Клавиша использования + прицеливание не работают? Если нет, то скорее всего тут конфликт с другим аддоном.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0)

Есть ссылка на этот аддон? Не могу нигде его найти.
Без доступа к аддону я не смогу даже предположить в чём может быть проблема.

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Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

It seems that you're correct about the sound being named pda_tip in the files, though for some reason all official scripts call it pda_tips, and it still plays fine in the game when i call it that way, so there's probably no need to change it.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Convert surrendering enemies to your faction [MCM] (v1.2)


The formula is:
[base chance]
+ [your rank's intimidation strength]
- [enemy rank's intimidation strength]
= [chance to convert]

So, if you're a veteran(with veteran set to 30), trying to convert a novice(with novice set to 10), if the base chance is 50, then the final chance is:
50+30-10 = 70%

If all ranks are 0, then it's just going to be what the base chance is at, which in this case is 50%

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

It's voice lines from the original stalker series(or at least from call of pripyat)
They are packed inside anomaly, so if you have the right unpacker, you can find them there.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

I have no clue how to alter npc's pathing, so no.

It should be compatible with everything that doesn't alter the npcs or task systems.
So, for example, that addon that gives the npcs more unique names(i don't remember the name of the addon) is incompatible, because the way it does that makes their names impossible to search using a standard text format.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

 This addon already can track npcs from other locations on the world map, or do you mean something else?

 I assume that when you say mark, you want to do it with multiple stalkers. I don't know if i can reliably make multiple quests a feature, it's already been hard enough to make one.
 My remote explosives addon can sorta track multiple npcs on the map if you place explosives in their pockets, but i doubt that it will protect them from offline combat.

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Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

Last time i tested it, it worked fine without issues, but it's been a while since i played that version, so, if something got updated, it might break.

If you are using a mod manager, it shouldn't be a problem to test it yourself and uninstall it if something isn't working. Just make sure to avoid overwriting your main save file while testing addons, so nothing will go wrong if there are errors.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Track Stalkers Using Their Names [MCM] (v1.2)

That means you have not reached the necessary rank to access it.

You can lower that requirement using the addon's settings in MCM.

Or, if you are not using MCM, change the "3" in the variable "local rank_to_reach = 3" to a lower number in file StalkerSearch.script.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Convert surrendering enemies to your faction [MCM] (v1.2)

Works fine on my side, so can't offer much help.

Could be a conflicting mod, or faulty installation.

Some mcm update could've broken it too, but i assume its author would want to keep compatibility between versions, so it's unlikely.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Intimidate Enemies Into Surrendering [MCM] (v1 0)

В каком месте и на что ты их заменил?

Варианты голоса в моде меняются с помощью настройки через MCM мод.

При отсутствии MCM настройки он берет стандартную настройку, которая на данный момент указывает на порядковый номер "13" - номер таблицы, где хранятся пути к голосам долга.

В файле intimidation_surrender.script есть огромный список с разными вариантами голосов, и у каждого из них свой номер в квадратных скобках.
Если тебе лень пользоваться модом MCM, можешь попробовать просто заменить номер голосов на нужный тебе в переменной intimidation_voice.

Если ты пытаешься добавить свои собственные файлы со звуками, то это будет сложнее.
Тебе нужно выбрать вариант голоса "Custom"/"Свои звуки" (23 по счету в скрипте). Затем тебе нужно вставить свои звуки в "gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human\is_custom\".
Если пользуешься менеджером модов и вставляешь их в саму папку мода, после вставки может потребоваться выключить и включить мод(также это нужно если меняешь скрипт в папке мода вместо изменения уже установленного в игру скрипта). Если вставляешь их в папки самой игры, то ничего переключать не нужно, но может потребоваться самому создать нужные папки.

После вставки файлов в скрипте нужно прописать им пути в таблице [23]. Пользуйся примерами имеющимися в ней. Затем можешь удалить их.

Перед вставкой файлов убедись что они в формате .ogg 44100hz. Формат можно изменить с помощью Audacity.

Good karma+1 vote
Chool - - 139 comments @ [Anomaly 1.5.1] Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0)

If you just told the mod organizer to use the archive, it won't work because the archive contains more files than just the mod itself.

The folder from the archive, that has to be installed, is "RemoteControlledExplosives"

Also make sure you chose the correct installation path. It should be the game's main folder, the one that contains the game's launcher and folders like "gamedata".

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