I am currently the game designer and a founding partner of Guerilla Tea.

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Guerilla Tea's 2nd Birthday – Beer, Cake and a Game Release!

Charlie86 Blog

As of today, we've been in business for 2 years. It's scary
how quickly the time has gone by. We could describe the past year as
‘tumultuous' to say the least and it's been an awesome learning experience.
It's still very early days for Guerilla Tea, but throughout the last year we've
built up a strong client base, moved into superb new premises and expanded the
core team. There's been a lot of blood, sweat and tears so far, which has combined
to give us that much needed luck. We've had a few ‘reality checks', and it's
safe to say we have a lot to learn.

On a more light hearted note. Cake and beer is always essential
to mark such an occasion. It's one hell of a cliché but we'll say it anyway. This
cake is not a lie.

As well as our foundation in client-based work, we also do
make our own games from time to time. We are releasing Staking Claims early on Android tablet to tie in with our 2nd
birthday. Look out for Flash and iOS releases to follow.

Staking Claims is a (very) casual strategy game that should
stir some rainy school playtime nostalgia (unless you're still at school of
course!). It's a digital version of the pencil and paper game ‘Cheese Squares',
the ‘time wasting' game of choice for many. Players take it in turns to draw
lines onto a square grid; the idea being to complete squares to secure them.

Our game is themed after the California Gold Rush of the mid
19th century. Imagine you are in command of an entire army of gold hunters,
trying to claim riches from as much land as possible before other bands of
fortune seekers beat you to the punch. You'll draw ‘fences' on the land, and
once you've fenced off a full square, that land will be yours.

Of course, some areas of land are more valuable than others,
so you'll need to be creative as to how you place your fences to fend off the

The game can be played single player against an AI. For an
easy round, blast through a greenhorn opponent, or go loco and play against a
tough tactical enemy. We'll be adding another difficulty setting in due course for
an ultimate test of skill...

Staking Claims can also be enjoyed as a hot seat multiplayer
game. Take your turn, then pass the tablet (or mouse) to your opponent.

There are a millions of possible terrain layouts with random
level generation, so the gold won't dry up anytime soon...

Enjoy the game and happy hunting!

Staking Claims is available to download here:

Android (Tablet Only) - DOWNLOAD

Coming to Flash and iOS!

First Blog Post

Charlie86 Blog

A quick post to get started.
Fair enough, we have been a little slow to join IndieDB to say the least... But now we have our first release, The Quest, up here along with the company profile. For the last several months, we have been working solely on contract based projects. These are our bread and butter and paying the bills is fairly necessary...
Throughout the summer period we were developing Fangs Out (working title), which is a model helicopter dogfighting game, and will be looking to return to the development of this in the new year.