I write reviews and other articles for Eurogamer Denmark and IGN Denmark. I am a student at the Copenhagen Business School. I study International Business Communication with English and American Studies.

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[My Two Bits] Getting a job in the industry

Barl0we Blog

I am trying to get regular work in the video game industry. This is my story. There are many like it, but this is mine...

So far, I have managed to get gigs writing reviews / news pieces / translating news, previews or even reviews, for Eurogamer Denmark and IGN Denmark.

Unfortunately, neither of those jobs come with a paycheck. That is not to say that I do not love reviewing video games - it just means I have to rely on another means of income.

Of course, you might say that doing it for the money is the wrong thing to do. You would be entirely correct!

However, since I have no skills at drawing or coding, the only marketable skill I can think of to get my foot in the door (so to speak) of the video game industry is writing. If it were only enough to have dashing good looks (It's the internet, you can't tell if I'm lying) and a love of video games, there'd be roughly 300000% more people working in the industry (Fun fact: 91% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot).

To that end, in addition to blogging about video games, and doing the occasional Let's Play video, I am planning on making my own text adventure game in a neat little program called Quest.

If that project works out, I am hoping to provide it for free through my own personal website, and perhaps even Desura.

Of course, this has all taken a back seat for the moment - I am writing my bachelor's assignment in real life, which needs to be turned in in the middle of May this year.

So, uhm...Yeah. I should probably get back to that.

Playing through my Indie Games!

Barl0we Blog

I have just started my playthrough of McDroid by Elefantopia!

This is the first in a series of videos based on games I have picked up either in Indie Bundle sales (Such as The Humble Bundle, Indie Royale or Indie Gala) or through retailers such as IndieGameStand.

You can find the first video of McDroid [Here]. In this episode I intro the game, and play through levels 1 and 2.