اللهــــم أجـعـــل وفـاتـــي فـي صـــــلاة . . بيــن سجـــــدة و تـسبيــــح وركــــــوع وأجـعـــــل آخـــــر كلامـــــي فـي الحـيــــــاة . .قــــــــول الـشهــــــادة في خــشـــوع ..... يارب لاتجعل حاجتي عند غيرك,وإجعل دمعتي شوقاً لرؤيتك

RSS Reviews

Better Political Map - Default Height Version

Early access mod review

Less pain for my eyes :D


Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War

Mod review

♥ A M A Z I N G ♥


Formable Nation

Early access mod review

This changed the game-play without Cheats ! you can be rewarded for all the conquest with Enough manpower to keep ruling over, which is make it way more better than the mods of 100% core population or 30%.
It's challenging and rewarding