check stuff out -> -::- -::- -::- -::- Currently hired as the Lead Animator at Playdead - creators of Limbo. :: Before that I've been professionally animating on numerous feature animated movies in Denmark. :: I graduated from The Animation Workshop in 2005~6~7'ish as a classically trained modern character animator.

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andreasng Blog

Three years ago I was hired at Playdead to produce animation for our (back then it was "their") upcoming title. A bit before that I started making small awkwardly unusable things in Gamemaker 8 - because I've always wanted to do games. MAny many years before that I bought Klik and Play, which amazingly enough did NOT teach me anything at all...
But now I have few to none codings skills which is a huge let down, because I got almost all the other skills required - drawing, pixelart, animation (professionally), sound, level design, whatever - but coding I lack - but I try anyway. During my childhood and youngsterhood I learned HTML, some PHP, later on CSS ~ so It god damn has to be possible. I'd much rather work with someone though, it has however been super hard to find the right one in my immediate circle of friends.

So I just do stuff by myself. It's stupid, and most of it might never go anywhere.

Check out my stupid game projects at...
It contains stuff that I'm trying/have tried to make given my horrible coding skills.

Being an animator at Playdead might make you think that I then try to "drive" animation in my spare time projects, well the truth is that I really want to, but during the past years I've realized that it's near impossible for me to finish anything unless it is small and confined. So for every project I've started I have been cutting ambition, features, number of assets gradually.

Gamemaker has taught me alot, well I know that it ain't C# or whatever, but for me it is definitely coding. I've tried C# for unity at some point, but it kills me with all the declaration and voids, and so on. GML is quite comfy, and loose in many ways.


Also check out my personal site at...
There you'll find my portfolio, and drawings, sketches, some old pixel art, and links to other stuff. It has been slow the past years in terms of drawing single standalone things, since I'm working on WIP game projects almost every second evening in my spare time.