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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ Shembja e Osmanve 1800

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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ Shembja e Osmanve 1800

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with respect AbiEntertement

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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ MOUNT BLADE The Dardanian Kingdom in the Battles with the Roman Republic

the kingdom of Dardania in the Battles with the Roman Republic if you like my 2
1.Arberia Condeferation 1443 1468 of lezha
2.MOUNT BLADE The Dardanian Kingdom in the Battles with the Roman Republic
models of mountain peqlene my site on this link

Authores Albios Elshani
Abi Entertement

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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ Arberia Condeferation 1443 1468 of lezha

ju serbet duhet ta pranoni ralitetin jeni te qmendur shiko ku po jeton nuk je ne planetin mars je ne tok mos jeto me imagjinat serbet jan te ardhur ne trojet tona i kan pushtuar ato ventet te cilet ju i mbani ende ka dokumenta se ato toka na takojn ne te cilet i shperngulet shqiptaret ne vitin 1878 ndersa afer nishit te sotum jetonin fis ilir ndersa nena e gjergj kastriotit skenderbeut ishte arberore -shqiptare e paster- i takonte familjes se prinicipates se muzakajve kjo politik e flliqur e juaja ju ka len mprapa e duke shkatrruar veten tuaj ashtu siq keni shkatrruar ballkanin me kriminelin serb sllobodan milloshoviq 4 luftra te cilat i humbet ndersa politika juaj do ju qoj prap ne shkatrrim po ashtu kosova e shpalli pavarsin dhe esht shtet sovran me 17 shkur 2008

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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ Arberia Condeferation 1443 1468 of lezha

Lek Dukagjini ishte trashigimtar i principates se Dukagjinve Ne Dukagjin Kosoven e Sotme keni shume gabime historike ose jeni qmendur lek Dukagjnini ka jetuar ne vitet 1410 Mbreteroj 1438-1479 ndersa beteja e kosoves u zhvillua ne vitin 1389 qfar jen duke then kjo nuk esht aspak e vertet qfar po thoni ju
Vdiq i cili u lind ne Velekincë në Gjilan Gjaku i Paster Arberor pasardhja e Ilirve dhe Pellazgve populli me te vjeter ne ballkan te cilet pasardshit e sotum jane te vertete jane shqiptaret dhe nuk kam ardhur nga karpatet si sllavt serbet te cilet ju pretendoj se ishte

Lek Dukagjini was a beggar of the Dukagjin princess In Dukagjin today's Kosovo you have many historical mistakes or you have mentioned the money Dukagjnini lived in 1410 Kings 1438-1479 while the battle of Kosovo took place in 1389 what it is that is not really true what are you saying
  Died who was born in Velkeci in Gjilan The blood of Paster Arberor the offspring of Illyrians and Pellazgs the oldest people in the Balkans who after the present are really Albanians and I did not come from the carps as the Slavic Serbs who I professed to be

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AlbiosElshani - - 7 comments @ Arberia Condeferation 1443 1468 of lezha

you have also downloaded their versions

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