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Battle Cars Greenlight
Battle Cars

Battle Cars Greenlight

Battle Cars

What happens if you put twisted metal and rocket league in a blender you'd end up with something like battle cars. Vote for us on greenlight.

Are you a bad enough dude to beat the AI
Don't Kill Hitler

Are you a bad enough dude to beat the AI

Don't Kill Hitler

Are you a bad enough dude to beat the supercomputer AI

Released on Google play
Alien Patrol

Released on Google play

Alien Patrol

Released Alien Patrol on Google play included is a demo. Try it before you buy, pick it up for only 99 cents.

Alien Patrol - Released on IOS
Alien Patrol

Alien Patrol - Released on IOS

Alien Patrol

Alien Patrol is Released on IOS today! Check it out before they colonize the farm.

Alien Patrol


Alien Patrol

Watch the alien patrol teaser trailer to really experience the games flavour

The Pledge!
Alien Patrol

The Pledge!

Alien Patrol

We want to go to a simpler time, a time before the inclusion of IAP, DLC, and ad-infested games.

John Blunt offically joins the team
Big Pork's Prime Time

John Blunt offically joins the team

Big Pork's Prime Time

John Blunt has officially joined the team. Check out the new screenshot of Gord The Canuck.

Releasing Big Pork's Prime Time Version - 1.005
Big Pork's Prime Time

Releasing Big Pork's Prime Time Version - 1.005

Big Pork's Prime Time

Looking for feedback on release of Big Pork's Prime Time Version - 1.005.

Red Terror
Red Terror: Infinte Mode

Red Terror

Red Terror: Infinte Mode

Showing a few video clips of the game in action. The first shows some motion blur, the second shows off our so called Terror Time