Love the mod community here on moddb it's like my second home now :) I have shared a few unkind words with a modder who i believe was a straight up arrogant asshole IMO!! might have left some nasty comments that could have been done a better way an for that i'm sorry because that's not how I am..anyways other then that cheers "MOD IT UP"

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Dr. Who mod for sins

AdmiralKelly Blog

I would love to see a Dr. Who mod for sins
It is one of my fav sifi series and i am surprised that it has not been done yet
there is a ton of lore and ships to design plus several races to pick from
Is anyone thinking of doing this?
I know that there is a limit to the sins engine but the mass effect team are killing it so it can be done i think :) i am not a modder so i wouldn't know the first thing about it but i know good sifi and dr who is that