I was board and felt like creating another replacement for the now lost Adeptus Modificatus forum on Relic news (Green_Scorpion already made one, but there's nothing wrong with having two)

Forum Thread
A lost versions of Santos Tools ? (Groups : Renegade Modificatus : Forum : Tools Discussion : A lost versions of Santos Tools ?) Locked
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Mar 14 2023 Anchor

Some of us recall a modified version of Santos's importer tools which were released on Relic News a long time ago, these versions may even have reached 0.8 and came with improved support for importing Dark Eldar models as well as improvements to the importing of 'smoothing data' on the mesh's, the current version used by a lot of people either 0.3 or 0.4 doesn't seem to have these fixes (judging by the issues some other's have had with loosing smoothing), the version I currently use also lacks these features but I certainly remember having them once too (at the expense that the updated importer made the meshes wireframes black rather than blue and I real personally preferring the earlier blue colour after trying it out)

if I can find it anywhere on my old pc I'll see about uploading it

Edited by: Ezarik

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