Zoo Manager is the next generation of 'zoo building' games. You get the freedom to design, create and manage everything within your zoo. From building enclosures to hiring staff for your restaurants. Zoo Manager is meant for those creative mind or for the people that want to manage the zoo they've dreamt off

Add job Report Experienced All-round Programmer for zoo building game at Sifaka Game Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Sifaka Game Studios on

You will be working on our first big game 'Zoo Manager'. Together with our programming team you will work on various things to get the game's demo ready in time. Once the demo is ready we will start paying people based on their work and performance. We could hire you part and fulltime in that scenario based on your own preferance.

The environment you will be working in is spread out over Discord, HackNPlan, and github. These three together will form the working place for you and the other programmers on the team. Most tasks given are separate tasks that in the end need some co-op with the others to get it all together.

Our project is mostly free-time but we do appreciate people that can get their tasks done so others don't have to wait or take it from you.

Zoo Manager is a game where the player will have to find a balance in building and managing a zoo. With various options to build the zoo with and many animals to choose from, the player also has to keep in mind that everything has to run efficient. Or else you might start losing money.

Requirements for 'Experienced All-round Programmer':
- The programmer is (semi) experienced with c# and knows how to solve issues with it by self study.
- The programmer is familiar with Unity and has done 3d projects before and can show these.
- The applicant can work in teamprojects and can show responsibilities and communicates well with the team.
- The programmer knows math and can use this by solving programming issues.

To Apply

You can send SifakaGameStudios a message on IndieDB.
Or you can join the community/development discord: Discord.gg
Or you add Timmiegun on discord: Timmiegun#5840