WazHack is a procedurally-generated dungeon game. This is not a button mashfest - you can spend all the time you need contemplating your actions. With over 300 different types of items to be found, there are many different ways to deal with the more than 130 different types of monsters. You will have to use your sword or staff as much as your inventory. It's not a game of plodding to the end and winning (though it is winnable), it's about experiencing the attempt... and learning lessons that will help your next valiant attempt!

joe901993 says

8/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

A fun and thoughly replayable laugh fest! Never before has a game had me genuinly laugh out load so many times. Whether it be eating a magic mushroom, being polymorphed into a rat, or accidently equipping a cursed mummy wrap the outcome is sure to entertain. A tough difficulty and learning curve leave you being constantly challenged, and for the low price I will surely be recommending it to all my friends. The occasional bug and crash does take away ever so slightly, but there's even a handy report button ingame :] very enjoyable to say the least.