Geometry... Geometry never changes. Take control of Bob the Destruct-o-sphere and defend your home against infinite waves of geometric nasties intent on turning you into nothing but pixel dust. Battle over 6 game modes for the highest score in an adrenaline fueled struggle for suvival where swift kills, big combos and well timed bombs are the secret to success. Waves; like the Ocean, is much deeper than it first appears...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 31)

I first played the demo a few days after it was released, and, ever since I first opened the game, I was sold. This game is a crazy mix of fast-paced, hair breadth moments, slow motion, massive bombs, and the best graphics I have ever seen in a Top-Down Shooter. Of course, the graphics is due in part to the epicness (no pun intended) of UDK, which I personally use myself. There is no way to describe the pure awesomeness that is Waves, you really just have to experience it, which is what the demo is for. The only thing I could possibly want is more game modes, but the ones provided are top-notch.

PS: To be honest, when I first heard about this game a LONG time ago, I was actually not interested, and it was the demo that actually hooked me. I bought it on second day after release, and it has taken the seat of most played game of this week, surpassing BF3 and Blops.

I did a full review on my blog:

The short version? This is probably good if you're into the genre, but I'm not, so it didn't do anything for me.

A fun and well put together game if it's what you are into.


It borrows very heavily from Geometry Wars, but it does so capably--for the most part. In the dual-stick shooter, Waves, there are the occasional problems like the lack of a "look ahead" camera, which tends to create a lot of moments where there is just not enough time to notice something coming towards you or spawning nearby, especially on the top and bottom of the screen. Still, there is a lot of fun to be had in the half a dozen game modes, and it's the perfect game for taking a run at the leaderboards.


Fun pick-up-and-play shoot-em-up game with neat ideas and seizure-inducing visuals. The controls are tight and feel exactly how they should feel. All of the different gameplay modes and mechanics come together to form a seamless whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Whether you are a seasoned shmup fan or someone that is new to the subgenre, Waves is sure to bring you hours of fun (provided you're not suffering from photosensitive epilepsy, of course).

This Game is so much fun especially bombing run mode. I just love it :3


Awesome game. Lots of fun trying to beat your records. Gets really hectic on higher levels.


AIex says

Agree Disagree

awesome game 10/10

This game is fantastic fun


Best twin-stick shooter of all time. (<-period) I uninstalled all my other twin-sticks after playing this. If this genre is your thing, and you don't own this game yet, you need to get this. It's imperative that you do.