Until I Have You, is a story-driven, fast-paced, retro-aesthetic platformer, engulfed in a Cyberpunk setting. Driving you to the edge of your seat as you run n' gun through enemies, the game recounts a thrilling story of regret, love and corruption, in a city that’s gone haywire and just doesn't give a damn.

RSS Reviews

NekomimiBadik says

Agree Disagree

Awesome platformer à la the 80s, some classy old action movie plot:

+Lovely pixelated graphics - I love both level design and scenes between levels
+Good music
+You can choose between mouse/keyboard/joystick controls + you can remap controls as you like
+You can pick the amount of smoothing, so the game looks less pixelated (but why would you in the 1st place lol)
+Challenging - big plus for hardcore platformer lovers
+Neon billboards
++Steam achievements
++Steam cards
-Can be frustrating hard :| (Now there are 2 difficulties, the easier one has checkpoints :) )

More reviews in my steam profile