The player takes role of Anne, a young woman lost on an island full of dinosaurs. The goal is, of course, to escape the place, but first you'll have to travel around the island, making your way through hordes of unfriendly animals. The game was hyped in media before it's release, but is generally considered a failure, poorly recieved by computer game reviewers. The truth is that the game had many interesting features. Some of them were really revolutionary for the time of release, bur the overall apperance of the game was rather disappointing, compared to presspack before the sales launched.There's still a strong fanbase on the Internet, though.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 59)

The game that failed by the standards of almost everybody that expected too much and developers that prommised too much...

Jurassic Park: Trespasser is actually the one of the best games that I have played considering that is kinda glitchy and buggy but in reality if what Far Cry of its time and it failed because numerous reasons and to blame is the publisher...

It rushed it because of devs that spend more money then the publisher allowed and the publisher was EA that rushed the game and because of that wasted all money because of that. JP:T was revolutionary but glitchy because of many features, rushing the release of the game, already spend the bugdet to develop it and the publisher that rushed it because they wanted money and not the good game.

The gameplay is simple and kinda open world for its time, even its linear but that would be the point if it had larger bugdets, developers with more imagination and ideas, longer development and more staff!

So the gameplay is simple, you go trought levels, discovering parts of levels, finding weapons, discovering new dinos and what happened, trying to get out from the island or it was an on continent. Anyway it was suppose to be a survival horror and the main flaw that almost everything was rushed and mostly using ragdoll animations/psyhics.

The result was glitchy/buggy gameplay, weird movements, problems with AI and hard to control or use some weapons...

Overall the game is the best when you see when it was made, what features are in the game, the enviroment, interactivity ...

But it failed for the community of noobs that reviewed the game and destroying the hope of an sequel/remake and most importantly larger fan base and turning the standards far higher before Far Cry and Half Life came!!

Anyway I gave the game 10 out of 10... Its scary, adrenaline pumping, great "view" and tons of guns for its time...

The only people that expected to work on weak PCs and EA for rushing the game because of the greed for money!!

Aaaah,I remember when this first came out,good times......
But about the game,very good graphics even it's from '98,
very big maps,nicely done models,sometimes the arm is I
bit glitchy but nothing is perfect. I love the way you
can hear voice records of both John Hammond and Anne along the levels.
Poor that allot of sites say this is worst game ever while
back in that time it was a very good game and even inspired
Valve to make Half Life.

Really 10 out of a 10 lads!

If you could even understand the potential of this game and all the fun and adrenaline you can feel by playing it you would understand why I rated it 10 even if it has some annoying bugs.


When i played Jurassic Park: Trespasser for the first time, i was surprised with its features. Considering that it was released in 1998, this is the first game in the world that is influenced by classical mechanics and was also the first game to use ragdoll physics, which make the game fun to play - like pushing/throwing/managing objects to accomplish particular purposes (Example: i like to push the abandoned InGen Hummers that are in steep slopes towards velociraptors and that's a way to kill dinos or also you must put a box above the other one to reach a specific place and find a key - this case, Trespasser uses cards to open doors). I love the fact that the game offers a varied quantity of weapons like pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and even the lindstrat weapon that we see in The Lost World film - which was equiped by Eddie Carr. The dinosaurs are good, i like them. Considering that this is a 1998 game, the dino models and their textures are good. The maps are detailed for being a 1998 game. And it was one of the first engines to successfully portray outdoor environments full of hundreds of trees. What is very cool about Trespasser is that it features the voice of Richard Attenborough as John Hammond, reprising his role from the film series! It is very nice to hear Attenborough voice playing as Hammond in this game, which gives you the feeling that you are really playing a sequel to the 1997 film The Lost World: Jurassic Park and when you walk through maps, you will find some easter eggs that will remind you some scenes of The Lost World film. However, what i don't like about this game are the following things: the artificial intelligence of dinosaurs - which is poor, and makes the dino to act like a robot instead of a natural dinosaur behavior. Also, when a dinosaur attacks you, it doesn't have a proper attack animation - the dino only come closer with opened mouth and growling - and that's not good. I expected to see more dinosaur species like pachycephalosaurus, dilophosaurus, some composgnathus running in maps, some flyer like Pteranodon. It would be best if they put ammo in certain places instead of adding more weapons, and it would be good if the weapons had a reload animation. The game is kinda short, i expected to have more levels.
It would be cool if the player can carry more than 2 weapons and a bar that displays player life / ammunition could be great.
After all, I enjoy playing Trespasser and recommend it to any gamer!


Toto není váš svět. Patří k starodávným 5-ti tunám predátorům, kteří se tiše pohybují skrz svěží džungli, starší rasa, která vládla tomuto světu dlouho předtím, než se naše rasa objevila. To není fantazie, je to těžká věda. Trespasser je dobrodružství nadčasové starší generace. To nebylo to, co můžete dnes vidět.
Jedná se o složitý svět reálného času a skutečné fyziky. Žádné zuřivé, opakované boje. Žádné standardní hádanky. V simulaci, kdy každý objekt a bytost je fyzicky modelovaná entita, naučíte se přežít improvizací, odvahou a čistou vůlí. Ve vašem počítači budete měnit stoupající útesy a ponořit se do nejtemnějších džunglí. Budete pronikat do tichých, skrytých hájů a prozkoumávat výhledy ohromující krásy. Dostanete se do zakázaného místa, původu největšího tajemství v moderním světě.
Trespasser vytváří bohatý svět, plný objektů a bytostí, které mají plnou fyzickou realitu a vytvářejí hru, která je kolem generace minulých střelců typu id - hratelnost s hloubkou a realismem, která se nikdy nevyskytla před rokem 1998.

Boj může být stejně vzrušující, jaký je v reálném světě - nejen výběr zbraně a zaměřování, ale použitím skutečné taktiky - zadržení vyšší země; převrácení stolu a zablokování svého soupeře. Házení první věci, která se blíží - skále, telefonu, cokoliv. Viscerální, kreativní, děsivé zážitky, hádanky mají obrovský skok kupředu.
Zvažte si varování..


I was wrong this **** was goated


¿Que les puedo decir?

Me encanto la narrativa de Hammond, y de como construyo el Sitio B, y Jurassic Park.

Aparte de introducir en la narrativa a los personajes clasicos como Nedry, y Arnol.


ZamCo says

Agree Disagree

Welcome... to Trespasser.

The game that started it all. The game that was voted the worst game of the year, still have a strong fan community, 15 years after its release.

Create whatever you want. Yes, there will be bugs, and glitches, but Trespasser is not only an action game - it's also a comedy game.

"...Next time, it’ll be flawless!" - John P Hammond


Fantastic, despite the flaws.

+ Dinosaurs!
+ The atmosphere is top notch. This feels 100% like a Jurassic Park game.
+ The game might be linear, but some of the maps are huge. While you won't find anything other than some weapons when exploring an "optional area", the fantastic environment keeps you from being disappointed by that fact.
+ No HUD as we know it (no stupid numbers and icons filling the screen).
Tattoo showing your health? Awesome!
Character tells you how many bullets you have left? Brilliant (for this type of game, where you don't shoot all the time)!
+ The physics are great, even for today. The game was probably at least five years ahead of its time in that area.
It's entertaining to just push, roll or shoot boxes and other things.
+ The guns and items you hold are actually sticking out from your body! In a lot of fps games you can walk up to a wall or some other object with your gun still pointing forward, despite the fact that you are standing right in front of the wall. In Trespasser your arm will bend and you will drop your weapon most of the time if you attempt it.
+ Very innovative controls. I like how you manually grab and release boxes, guns etc. but...

- ... overall the controls are clunky. If you play mostly modern games you might have a really hard time getting used to them.
- Unfortunately, the dinosaurs move like they have some serious brain and muscle issues.


XTugAX says

Agree Disagree

Great game,despite the bugs, the game is prety much playable in nowdays.