Tells a story of a young woman, who survives a car accident. Recovering at the hospital, she experiences dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity. The game lets you experience those dreams in an interactive way, reminiscent of point-and-click adventure games. It is aimed to be a compact and deep game for a literate and mature audience.

Ishusteedus says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

I'll lay it out straight: If you feel that art and film critics are generally pretentious know-it-alls who give good reviews to boring movies while giving bad reviews to the really good ones, there's a good chance this game is not for you.

For everyone else, this is a fascinating work that blurs the line between game and art film. The challenge isn't great, but it's enough to be entertaining. And that's plenty challenging enough because the story makes up for any lack of challenge. In fact, it's possible that being any more challenging than it is could cause a little frustration that would detract from the experience.

The good thing is that there are no wrong moves, only moves you might fail to make. But there's no limit, either, so if you can't find something the first time, you can keep trying until you find what you missed.

As others have stated, it's short. But it's satisfying, as well. Actually, there appear to be two endings and, despite the difference being very small, one is far more satisfying than the other. While I understand the complaints about length, it seems as though this is one instance where the artistic integrity of the whole would likely be diminished if the makers had sought to draw it out simply for the sake of length.

A final word on the subject matter: Those familiar with psychotherapy, whether from personal experience or that of a loved one, will find that much of this can hit close to home. However, I feel there is enough of a separation that most will not be triggered negatively.