Toribash is an innovative free-to-play online turn-based fighting game that uses physics-based attacks. The game provides its players with a wide range of possibilities to produce their own content (replays, textures, mods, videos and so on) as well as compete against other players online. Toribash was a "Best Game Idea" finalist at Swedish Game Awards 2006. Toribash is free to play on Windows, OSX and Linux and it is still under development with updates. Wii version was released in July 2010 and is available at WiiWare at the price of 1000 Wii points.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 62)

This is an amazing game. It's one of the few games I have seen that has taken an idea, and perfectly execute it. It's one of the only fighting games that really puts an emphasis on learning and making yourself better.

The joint system allows for some amazing moves and gameplay to be done, and it's also an amazing idea. How many fighting games, no, how many games have allowed you to change your character's movement animation without going into the game files?

The customization on this game is amazing. The amount of colors and objects to buy using toribash's internal currency, allows for limitless combinations, considering textures, joints, blood, names, trails, etc. can all be changed, and more. And they still add more objects to the game, like the more recent hair.

There's even millions of mods that change up the play of the game. Sparring mods, parkour mods, silly mods, mods pertaining to a specific type of martial arts, etc.

The multiplayer is also clean. It's freeplay, but each player controls either uke or tori and their customizations apply to the character they control. There's a chat in the corner, the number of frames is clearly shown in big font at the top of the screen, and either top corner shows each player's score, and their name. (By the way, top left is uke, top right is tori.)

I could keep going on, but I think I have said enough.

This game deserves a 10/10.

This game may take skill, but when you get the hand of it, you wont be able to stop playing.

Amazing game overall, although the staff is quite pushy, and they tend to overdue it sometimes.


VinGod says

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The game is awesome and i can't stop playing with friends. what i love is how i can meet new friends from around the world like me.

This game has come so far since it's release in 2006 and has become quite popular, but that is not the only reason, I think this game is a perfect fighting game, and I have never encountered a bug or glitch in the game, except with the point system that goes insanely high. I love this game.


One of my favorite games. I just can never get enough of it even after 150+ hours! the customization is endless and the community is friendly. Love playing it with my Friends!

Toribash is a game where the player must control each joint of the player or "tori" this leads to unique moves that are player specific! Your Tori has a total of 20 joints, each can be moved by either extending, contracting, holding, or relaxing. you also are given use of hands which can be put into a grabbing state or a non-grabbing state. Toribash comes with a variety of mods when loaded, some including aikido, judo, or ninjitsu. aikido or an aikido variant known as aikido big dojo are most favorite among the toribash community, aikido and aikido big dojo usually result in fun grappel warfare that is not usually possible in real life making it all the more fun to play. aside from ingame Toribash has a close knit community on forums, you can find marketing, art, and mods, on the main page along with various events. If you browse through Toribash forums or through toribash ingame you may come acrose people in certain clans. Clans are a fun activity to do, each clan has a member limit of 50 players or you could just make your own clan for 15,000 ingame credits (known as toricredits or tc for short.) Once in a clan you can create a "clan war" which is 2 clans duking it out in a certain mod (usually aikido big dojo.) Some clans compete for #1 clan while others are more social and only play for fun. No matter how you like to play Toribash your bound to find a group that is right for you. Toribash is a great game in my mind that allows members to play how they want and is an ultimate game of strategy on wether you want to play agresive and kick your opponents head off, or play defensive and focus on out smarting your opponent and forcing them to disqualify them self.


It might be complicated and frustrating at the beginig but as u improbe start feeling confortable playing it and once u have enough experience there is anything u can't actually do, one of the best parts is that u create ur moves and u can customizate them as u wish, for me it's a 10/10

This game is truly amazing. The ability to fully control you entire Tori creates a unique and thrilling experience. The community is great in this game, and it has rarely any bugs. Tweaking the game settings to different mods, gravities, and dismember/fracture thresholds, can create a realistic situation. Yes, this game is slow and hard in the beginning, but the more you play, the easier it becomes to play and the smoother/deadlier you get!

GG Hampa


The best indie game maybe,,,,And i dont think that this game can lose here lol.It is very beatiful game AND FREE SO i dont know why it dont want to be 1st