Tobe's Vertical Adventure is an indie, retro, platformer starring Tobe, the overly devoted gamer who's been forced on a treasure hunt by his materialistic crush, Nana. The big head duo will travel back and forth in the crumbling caves in search of treasures while rescuing fluffy animals, making you scream kawaii ne~ along the way. With 2 unique characters and a total of 4 islands and 16 levels to explore, Tobe's Vertical Adventure shall bring us back to a 16-bit yesterday. Key features: - Hours of classic platforming action through 4 islands of 16 levels - Play as Tobe or Nana, each with a unique storyline and move sets - Co-op Mode with a friend, as both Tobe and Nana - 16 bit graphical retro goodness - Experience the story through cutscenes and unlock the collectable soundtracks and artbook

stinkytaco says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

nice pixelated, 32 bit graphics