Released as the successor of "The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary" in 2008. It contains three tribes (Bavarians, Scots, and Egyptians) and combines the economic and military gameplay from "The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversay" and "The Setllers III". Not available in English language, it was only released in German language. The Original German title is Die Siedler: Aufbruch der Kulturen.

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SAdK - maps from 2009

SAdK - maps from 2009

Multiplayer Map

Maps on which the map converter was tested on back in 2009.

z-K-6 Wirbel (6 players)

z-K-6 Wirbel (6 players)

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

6-player stable map in a shape of windmill. Lacking resources (salt, gems) were added.

Island Destination campaign01 S2 New

Island Destination campaign01 S2 New

Multiplayer Map

Hello, This was originally the 1st mission map of Settlers 2 The Next Generation. I changed the map a bit and made it a 4 player map. Have fun

Forest Map

Forest Map

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

My first own map for settlers Rise of cultures. I had already changed the map in The Settlers 2 the next generation but now I changed it again. As the...

The Green Mile Map From S2 Next Generation

The Green Mile Map From S2 Next Generation

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

Hello, I took the Green Mile map from the game Settlers 2 The Next Generation and converted it into Settlers Rise of Cultures. There are abundant stone...

Perfect dedication utilization

Perfect dedication utilization

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

En: Map where you are forced to use dedications to win Pl: Mapa, w której, aby wygrać, trzeba używać ofiar