The game simulates the spread of a virus across the world, spreading like a fire as it engulfs each populated area in turn. Your task as the player is to master the fire itself and keep it burning until the world is aflame.

RSS Reviews

parzic says

Agree Disagree (3)

Oh my god, appreciation for the work you've put in, and the wonderfully satisfying game you got out. I wish you all the success possible in the future, and hope you continue in the game business. Sadly, the game-sphere is devoid of serious, but simple gaming concepts. You either get an incredibly complex and confusing game like DotA, or a super cartoony and casual game like Plants vs. Zombies. The last chapter of man seems to find a spot between the two that is downright enjoyable.Keep up the amazing work.

(reposted to rate the game 10/10)


epicthered says


nickmccrea says


stopthecavalry says


Kellerman60 says