In an age of change and challenges, it`s up to promising young people like you to change the fate of the world! In The Guild 2, you have full control of every aspect of your life - your success, your fortune, and your reputation among the medieval society, as well as your private and family life. If you`re doing well, even the clerics and noblemen will salute you,regardless of your origin...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 18)

One of the best city builders/RPG's/simulators.

One of the few games I know to have decent court mechanics.




Well i played it a lot I am having Big Fun With it Even if it have some Bugs it's still cool also the graphics are good very high in that game u have many options to do many titles and i liked it so much :D


I play this game quite often with friends and love it. A lot. Only problems I have are the slightly buggy multiplayer that disconnects every once in a while, but it gives you and every other player enough time to save a copy of the save file and reload the server from that point and continue. Save files sometimes corrupt, so it's a good idea to save multiple. Great game though, especially fun with others.


Nice game.


avakos1999 says


Iron_ says


Tallestdavid says


Styku says


dliw says