Inspired by XCOM and a legion of brilliant authors this game puts you in the shoes of the newly appointed Overseer of the SCP Foundation an extraterritoral organization charged to secure anomalous artifacts around the world, contain public knowledge, and protect the world's existence from the hazards these items possess. You must Secure. Find anomalous events and SCP entities. Customize your armed forces and research powerful new technologies. Dispatch task forces to lock down and retrieve it. Fight off others interested in the same prize. You must Contain. Suppress public knowledge of the events. Recruit governments, agents, and organizations to fund and support your goals. You must Protect. Build bases and secure areas to store anomalous items. Stop the spread of anomalous effects. Beware of dangerous containment breaches. As time passes the beginning hastens the end. Something nearly destroyed the Foundation once. It won't make the same mistake again.

Forum Thread
Suggestions (0.03a) (Games : The Foundation : Forum : Feature Suggestions and Feedback : Suggestions (0.03a)) Locked
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May 22 2015 Anchor

Add options to menu.

When connecting to an external monitor it'd be nice if the game updates to recognise the new resolution options
without relaunching.

When creating a new world there is a bit of lag and buttons can still be highlighted, a loading circle/prevention
of highlighted buttons while wwaiting would be nice.

When genereating a world a random selection of names or a question mark would be nice for sites. Seeing site 19
multiple times is a bit confusing.

Storing articles in the game files as an option would be nice to increase offline playability.

When hovering over icons in the relations and paradigms(is that right?) a little name appearing
would be nice.

Missing oceanic region as a continent/group.

Be able to choose where recon teams etc. come from, or having a priority system would be nice as opposed to
the current system where aircraft fly from one base to intercept craft regardless of location. Stacking of planes
and having a trail of fighter jets is another enjoyable but weird problem. Perhaps a limit should be made or they should
merge into stacks as the sound is hilarious when having so many planes.

In the base building the bottom building tab kinda collides/gets overlaid by the equipment as personnel tabs. When opening
one of these the build tab should collapse. The buttons also don't turn red yet when being chosen in the build tab.

When viewing the anomaly screen after clicking on an anomaly. right clicking should send it away. Currently the only way to remove
it is by clicking the ignore button or clicking on the anomaly circle which is a bit confusing because I'm not sure if my orders got
sent or clicking ignore just cancelled it and the anomaly circle is often covered by the menu pop up.

Jul 18 2015 Anchor

I think there should be storys when building your site, like being able to put a elevators in and stairs, you can then select if they are going up or down, once that has happened you build from there, also the base/first leval will go see through, you can then select the levals by clicking a button on the side of the building interface.

This could mean a lot of possibilities, like having office's on one leval, light Containment on the lower leval and heavy Containment on the lowest level, and then have D block for the Class D's and their cells etc.

Jul 21 2015 Anchor

@maykayman There will be multiple stories in the game, in fact you should be able to see it in the prototype. The key binding is pretty wierd though so you would be unlikely to stumble upon it. + and - on the numpad should move between levels. There are some complications with pathfinding when multiple levels are involved but hopefully those will be solved eventually.

@PaulButterJunior Sorry for not seeing this earlier. I swear I saw no responses here! 0_0

When connecting to an external monitor it'd be nice if the game updates to recognise the new resolution options
without relaunching.

I'm not sure what you mean by connecting to an external monitor. I run two monitors and haven't seen an issue. Could you be more detailed?

When creating a new world there is a bit of lag and buttons can still be highlighted, a loading circle/prevention
of highlighted buttons while wwaiting would be nice.

I haven't spent much time on the loading transition yet. This should be addressed before the next prototype.

Storing articles in the game files as an option would be nice to increase offline playability.

Its something I'm looking into.

When hovering over icons in the relations and paradigms(is that right?) a little name appearing
would be nice.

A system for tooltips is already created and I just need to hook it up to every item.

In the base building the bottom building tab kinda collides/gets overlaid by the equipment as personnel tabs. When opening
one of these the build tab should collapse. The buttons also don't turn red yet when being chosen in the build tab.

I forgot to collapse the other tabs when building is active. That does need to be added soon. Also the red color was simply to indicate deletion. I will be adding a different indicator to show the other buttons are pressed

The other concerns you have are simply figments of the early state of the prototype. They will change significantly as those areas are addressed. Some of them have already been addressed seeing as I was slow to respond.

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